
May 13, 2006 13:43

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Monday, Oct 10 / 9 PM
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open To: Trefor
Currently Involving: Zoe

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trefor May 14 2006, 00:19:26 UTC
Trefor ran his sweaty palms down the outside of his robes over and over again. Walking towards the Qudditch feild he realized how many of his memories centered on it. All of the games, the practices, the wins, and losses. Also all of the times he'd tried to teach Zoe to fly. He still had the scars.

Zoe was already there standing in literally the middle of the field looking adorably cold. His pulse quickened. This was the hard part...talking to Zoe. For some reason things never came out the way he wanted them to around Zoe.

He raised his hand in a hello as he jogged over. "Hey Zo, thanks for...err..meeting me." Slick. Real slick.


trefor May 14 2006, 22:57:31 UTC
Trefor quickly agreed that Zoe's plan was far better then his. He kissed her back and tangled his hands in her hair.

However his broom had other ideas. It slammed into his arm knocking them apart. Cursing Trefor rubbed his arm and picked his broom up.

"Are you alright?" He asked Zoe as he turned bright red.

Ignoring his embarassment he climbed onto the broom and gestured for Zoe to sit in front of him. "I wanna show you something."


zoe_clarke May 15 2006, 01:27:00 UTC
Zoe sighed into the kiss and it would have been the most perfect moment were it not for his blasted broon. "See," she commented as Treff rubbed his arm, "they're good for nothing!" But she smiled anyway and decided to indulge him, just this once. She swung her leg over the broom and sat, uncomfortably. "Don't you dare go too high. If I fall and die, consider your butt haunted. If you think I'm annoying now, wait till you meet me in death." She smirked but grabbed hold of the broom tighly.

((OOC - sorry I'm not around today, I'm at work at the moment, although the kids should go down for a sleep soon (I'm a nanny), so I may be able to come back on in about 40 minutes. But maybe not...damn kids!))


trefor May 15 2006, 01:51:36 UTC
((OOC: Haha, no worries. I'll be around for a while, and some more tomorrow.))

Trefor grinned as Zoe sat down on the broom. He slid up pressing up against her mostly to balance them out and to...well...he was a boy afterall.

He grabbed onto the broom with one hand and covered Zoe's eyes with the other.

"Don't look then." He kicked them off and they rose quickly and soared to the Astronomy tower. Trefor lowered them down until his feet grazed the roof. He pulled the broom out from under them and laid it across the roof. Wrapping his arms around Zoe he balanced them on the wet roof.

A cold wind ripped across the tower. Trefor turned them to face out over the lake. The moon hung pregnant over the lake surrounded by stars.

"Open your eyes Zoe."


zoe_clarke May 15 2006, 03:31:04 UTC
As Trefor pressed against her, Zoe bit back a few 'Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?' jokes, instead focusing intently on her enormous fear of heights. Actually, it wasn't heights that Zoe really had a problem with, it was the violent death you suffered if you were to fall from said heights. Her stomach gave a lurch as they lifted off the ground and Treff, covering her eyes, did nothing to alleviate her worries. In fact, she didn't feel any relief until they landed. Unfortunately this was somewhere high too, if the thrashing wind was anything to indicate. Zoe had half a mind to thwap him, until he finally let her see where they were.

"Mmm," was all she said she she looked out over the lake. She curved herself into Treff's body, trying to get warm (and so if she fell she'd have something to grab on to). "It's beautiful." She kissed his jaw. "You're beautiful."


trefor May 15 2006, 12:23:06 UTC
Trefor pulled Zoe against him tighter anchoring her as best as he could.

"This is where I went a lot after we broke up. Usually not a big crowd. I almost fell off once when I saw you cut your hair.." He trailed off. Maybe talking about falling wasn't such a good idea.

Trefor realized the view had been a good idea, but if they stopped paying attention to the view and more towards eachother this wasn't going to work out.

As Zoe kissed his jaw Trefor looked around his mind racing. "You want to go into the Astronomy Tower and get back on solid ground. I think I can shimmy the window." He was actually thinking about the fainting couch McGill kept in case a student ever had a vision.

((OOC: Mind you there is an astronomy class at 11pm on Mondays. They'll have to work around it.))


zoe_clarke May 15 2006, 21:39:29 UTC
Zoe couldn't help but laugh as he mentioned her disastrous hair although subconsciouly she grabbed onto him, tightly. Stupid heights. Yes, it was definitely time to go inside somewhere. And what a coincidence that 'somewhere' happened to be make-out central for the majority of horny Hogwarts teens. She smirked but nodded to Trefor, crouching down to the ground to hold on to the roof with her hands, while Treff went over to the window.

"Be careful," she hissed, and her stomach lurched again as he stumbled over to the glass. Oh Merlin, please be careful.


trefor May 16 2006, 02:26:51 UTC
Trefor waited until Zoe was centered and then he hobbled over to the window. He tripped once, and heard Zoe gasp, but he managed to stay up. He had to try three windows before he found the open one. It opened with a creak, but luckily no one was on the other side to greet him. Turning back he almost laughed at the sight of Zoe glued to the roof. He covered his mouth with his hand to hide the grin.

"Come on I got it open." He said reaching out for her.


zoe_clarke May 16 2006, 03:01:49 UTC
Zoe made a face at Treff as he tried to hide to smile. "Hey mister, I've known you forever, don't think I don't know when you're trying to hide the fact you're laughing at me!" She began to crawl her way over to him. There was no way in hell she was going to try and walk the distance. She was a loyal Hufflepuff not a brave Gryffindor.

Eventually she made it to the window and grasped his open hand, muttering something along the lines of "stupid Gryffindors, always trying to kill me".


trefor May 16 2006, 04:12:22 UTC
Trefor grinned as Zoe crawled across the window. He took her hand and crawled through the window first. As he pulled her through he couldn't help but drop her a little so she gave out a girl shriek and fell into his arms.

"You hufflepuff's always needin' savin'." Trefor growled in her ear. He snagged an arm around her waist and with his free hand shut the window.He shivered slightly. It was still cold in the tower and Zoe had his robes on.

He buried his face into the joint between Zoe's neck and her collar bone. "My nose's cold." He mumbled.


zoe_clarke May 16 2006, 08:06:50 UTC
Zoe narrowed her eyes as Treff whispered into her ear. Blasted boy making her shriek like that! Although the sensations that were caused by his low voice were, well, sensational, she was already plotting her revenge. She waited for the most opportune moment, which happened to come right away as he buried his face in her neck. She ignored the tingling feeling running down her spine. Instead, she crept her hands under his shirt and placed her bare, freezing hands on his sides. Now lets see who shriek like a girl, she thought.


trefor May 16 2006, 13:49:15 UTC
"Zoe I..." He started mumbling as he kissed her neck. Then two freezing things pressed onto his sides. "GAH!!" He shrieked. He yanked Zoe's hands out from under his shirt and pinned them behind her back while pressing her up against the wall.

"I'm sorry we're you trying to get some sort of revenge." He growled tickling her furiously.


zoe_clarke May 17 2006, 16:46:40 UTC
"Ahaha, no, that's not fair," Zoe giggled, as Treff tickled her. "Unfair advantage," she yelled, trying to wriggle free. Or at least pretending to try. She smirked inwardly, thinking her position really wasn't so bad - if only he'd stop tickling her.

"Well, you got me. Here I am, pinned against a wall, at your mercy. You're in a very comprimising position with a lovely young lady, if I do say so myself, whatever shall you do now?" Her voice was innocent enough but anyone who knew her would know she was far from submission.


trefor May 17 2006, 18:58:15 UTC
He tightened his grip slightly as she struggled. "Don't be trying to talk yourself out of this one missy. You taunt the lion, and you deal with it." He teased.

The Zoe went all soft on him. She had that look. The look that made him feel like he was 14 and all arms and legs again.

He brought his face in close to hers looking deep into her eyes. He brushed his mouth from her ear down along the line of her jaw breathing lightly. When mouth was a fraction of an inch from hers he spoke. "What would you like me to do Zoe?"


zoe_clarke May 19 2006, 03:36:54 UTC
Zoe hated the thought of any man making her weak at the knees. It seemed out-dated and anti-feminist. But Treff just had a way of doing it, especially right now as his breath lightly tickled her face. In answer to his question, Zoe could think of about sixteen things she thought she'd probably enjoy but in all honestly, now wasn't the time. Instead she leant forward and hungrily claimed his lips in a kiss that left them both breathless.


trefor May 21 2006, 02:39:31 UTC
Trefor had forgotten what it was like to not breathe in an enjoyable way. Zoe latched onto him like she was drowning, and then suddenly he was drowning in the smell and taste of her.

He let go of her wrists and tangeled one hand in her hair, while the other slipped to her waist.

He was so lost in her that he didn't hear the footsteps in the stairwell.


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