(no subject)

May 09, 2006 17:01

Week/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Thursday, 13 October / 3:45 PM
Location: Dungeons
Open to: Wesley, for now. Then maybe later I'll open it to someone who will rescue Niamh because ZOMG. *wibble*
Currently involving: Niamh, the poor, poor thing. >.>

The cold weather and the drudgery of Herbology had driven Niamh back into the castle when class ended, but she hadn't wanted to go back to the common room. It would be crowded and she wasn't in the mood for studying. She was rather tired of the Ravenclaw Tower, to be honest. She'd been feeling rather cheerful the last few days, as she'd been reminded that she did have friends at Hogwarts, after all. Her dreary mood had finally lifted and she was feeling much less worry about wandering the halls of the school.

So, feeling brave, she'd decided to do some exploring. However, she'd taken a wrong turn and the walls started to look unfamiliar. She took a flight of stairs down, not sure where she was going, and suddenly found herself in a chilly corridor that looked something like the one she had to walk down for Potions. She bit her lip nervously and looked around, continuing forward and turning a corner. She clutched her Herbology text tightly to her chest now, feeling more and more anxious.

She hoped she'd find the Potions classroom, because at least then she'd know where she was, and would have a hope of finding her way back to safer areas of the castle. She'd heard the Slytherin common room was down here somewhere and they were the last sort she wanted to run into.

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