So here is the flatmates and I are currently growing a sink plant as we call it. It literally grew out of the little sink we have to put the dishes on for drying. We had one before, but the now ex boyfriend of one flatmate didn't water it enough over the weekend and it was so tiny and weak that it didn't make it. This one now is growing
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Comments 3
Hopefully it won't die before it can grow fruits of any kind that would make clear what it isxD
You had always known that there were certain creatures in the forrest you better never meet. This giant spider was most definitely one of them. Even though it just happened you already can't remember if you screamed or are just out of breath from running away so fast. You look around the greenhouse, you are convinced that not even the smallest spider can be trusted. But the corners where you see webs are otherwise all empty. This doesn't look good, especially because it comes back to you that the giant spider in the forrest was actually talking under the clicking sounds and said something about getting you and all the two legged inhabitants of the castle. You have no idea if and how you could stop this, but there is certainly one thing that definitely will be helpful.
Next field: Find the post that is all about unconventional materials.
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