My appeal.

Jul 05, 2005 16:14

Name: Sarah
Age: 24
House you were sorted into: Gryffindor
Link to original application: My Application

Are there any questions you would like to elaborate on? Well I'd certainly like to answer question one, which I'm terribly sorry about not answering it in the first place. So here goes: American children scare me. They say that the children are our future, but right now I'm not really sure if I'd be happy in a country or world ran the majority of children today. Kids have become much whinier and selfish. Parents hand their children whatever they want, without question. Money, toys and food that the kids really don't need. What happened to making your kids earn things with chores or good school work? There is also the children who were raised by the TV instead of their parents. Some of the things that are on TV, I don't think that I should see, let alone children. Why not give your child a book, and let them work out their brain. Why not give your child a box, and let them work out their creativity. Why not give them a some chores, a pet, or a job, and let them work on their responsibility. American children are becoming selfish, lazy and irresponsible and that scares me.

Explain why you feel misplaced in your current House! I'm not here to say that I don't have any Gryffindor traits, but I just feel that I might fit better into other houses. I've tried to get involved with my house mates, but I just don't feel that I fit in with them. While I have the hot-headness and pride of a Gryffindor, I really don't have much courage. I was recently in a very wrong, mental abusive relationship. I threatened to leave him for months. Six months from my first threat, I nearly had a nervous breakdown and my parents made me leave him. (I know you're think a 24 year olds, parent forced her to leave her boyfriend? Yeah right. I couldn't do it on my own. I thank God every day that my parents finally realized all the pain I was going through and helped me.)
While Gryffindors tend to jump first without thought to consequences, I analyze every part of a decision before making it. Two years ago I was stuck in a job that I absolutely hated. I went to work did my job and came home and cried every night. My job made me into someone who I hated. I considered quitting from September until I finally put in my resignation the day after Christmas. I considered how quitting my job would affect each part of my life in those four months. I then began planning according to the probable outcome of my quitting. When I looked at how it would affect my finical situation and began saving accordingly. I looked at how it would affect my social life, and began spending more time with my work-friends outside of work. Eventually the day of decision came and I spent a good deal of time with my direct supervisor discussing my options, but in the end made the decision to leave the company.
I also feel that I'm a bit more subdued than your average Gryffindor.

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Be exact with your descriptions! I would be standing with my amazingly successful husband and our gorgeous smart children in front of our home (a gorgeous fully restored Victorian home, that I would by all means need a maid to help me keep it up). My college degree (Major: Management Information Systems; Minor: Library Science) I plan on starting an internet boutique for quirky purses, stationary, silly gifts etc. After my children, begin school, I'd like to expand it into an actual Shop or become a librarian in a large library hopefully dealing with Shakespearean era literature. On top of all of those materialistic things, I would like to be at a healthy weight, and I hope that my children never have to go through the horrors of growing up fat. I hope that my chemical imbalance has worked out on it's own, or that I'm on a medication regime that allows me to feel emotions. I wish to have the continued loving supportive relationship with my family and closest friends.

What makes you unique? This is quite a hard question, because I have a tendency to think, "What doesn't make you unique?" I practically grew up in the bar my parents owned. Well, as much as one can grow up between 13 and 23. I know more curse words, dirty jokes, and completely untrue stories than your average 24 year old. I poured my first beer the day I turned 18 and I've ran the kitchen since I was 16. I've been the youngest complex manager for a movie theatre company, and a receptionist at a salon. I've been questioning my faith for 3 years, after spending my last years of high school considering becoming a pastor. I've read every play by Shakespeare. I've attended Cosmetology school. I've gone through more friends than everyone I know, but still maintain the same best friend I've had since high school. I like to read about serial killers and discuss the idea of Anastasia Romanov living through her family's massacre. I'm down right mean to the guys who try to pick me up because I know I'm a bitch, and I need someone who can put up with it. I collect purses and fast food wrappers (ok not really). I would do just about anything for a laugh. I could go on forever, but I'll stop myself for your sakes. If you'd like to know more please feel free to ask.

appeal denied, original house: gryffindor

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