
Apr 01, 2007 15:50

Title: Daughter of Adam, Part 14
Author: carolhelga
Claim: Duncan
Prompt: Highlander
Rating/Warnings: G
Word count: 503
Disclaimer: I do not own the Highlander universe, although I do own Brunhilde. This writing is all in good fun; I make no profit from it.
Summary: In which we learn a bit more about Brunhilde's history.

Duncan took Brunhilde back to his dojo, deciding that if she was a target, the last place she should go was her own place. He argued about it with her all the way back from the graveyard, but in the end she let him have his own way. "What makes you so stubborn?" she asked him.

"Might be the Scots in me. We're often accused of being hard-headed." He got out and went around to open her door for her.

"You may be a hard-headed Scotsman, Duncan, but you're also a gentleman." She stood beside him, her heels making her that much more tall. "How old are you, anyway?"

He took her arm to escort her into the building. "I was born about four hundred thirty years ago in the highlands of Scotland. I suppose to you that makes me a child."

"Only in experience. Highlands, hm? I once met another from the Scottish highlands. Come to think of it, he was a MacLeod, too, and proud to call himself a Highlander."

"You must mean Connor. We're clansmen. Same clan, different vintage." He gazed at her in surprise. "You knew Connor?"

She walked ahead of him into the dojo. "Not well, just in passing. I didn't have the time to get to know him as much more than a name."

"When was this?" Duncan opened the cage to the elevator, and they both went in.

"About 500 years ago, I think. The centuries do tend to blend together after a while." The elevator rose. "He was being trained by a friend of mine…"

"The Spaniard who wasn't a Spaniard?"

Hilda chuckled at that description, the attraction of even that small smile sending thrills into Duncan. "Ramirez. Yes, he did come to love that persona." Then she sobered. "I miss Ramirez. He could give your pride a run for its money. The Kurgan really is an evil man. I'm just glad I've never had to meet him myself. There are many more I'd rather lose my head to than him."

Duncan looked at her in surprise, pausing as he finished opening the cage again. "The Kurgan's dead. Connor took his head. You hadn't heard?"

"Did he now? Well that's a good thing, then." Hilda walked into the living area and sat on the sofa where Duncan had placed her the previous night. "I seem to have missed that bulletin."

"How?" Duncan thought about sitting beside her, but then decided he'd be better off sitting in the chair instead. That smile of hers could be dangerous at closer quarters. "I thought that battle was heard about around the world."

"Maybe it was, but I wasn't really part of the world for a while. Your friend Joe thought I had lost my head. I imagine Methos did, too." Her eyes showed a flicker of what could have passed for regret, but it didn't last long enough for Duncan to read it properly. "By all rights, that's what should have happened."

"So what really happened?"

"Xavier missed."

duncan, carolhelga

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