You're in Adstringéndum, a city formed through a failed scientific experiment that resulted in a multitude of worlds being compressed together into a single location. If you need any medical help, you can find clinics at [coordinates x:y], [coordinates x:y], and [coordinates x:y] and if you have any trouble using the PCD (the device you have), there's a small help function you can access by pressing the button on the upper-right.
Adstrin... gendum? Wow, I never heard of a place like this. Thank you very much, miss Ginia. That was a lot of help. My name is... Jowy. It's nice to meet you.
This place is called Adstringéndum, created by failed scientific experiment. Time and space compression occured which means that various worlds and times combined. Up to now, way our haven't been found.
The clinic is also a source of shelter for whoever needs it.
I'm a Pokemon, currently the only one here. The kind of Pokemon I am is a Chimchar. Humans here can't understand me, guess only ones in my world can understand Pokemon.
You're in Adstringéndum. People from different worlds and times get pulled here. There's no government, and no source of supplies aside from what you find in abandoned stores.
Comments 101
With all that out of the way, I'm Ginia.
Thank you again, miss Ginia.
Up to now, way our haven't been found.
And a way out hasn't been found?
That's bad... that's very bad...
Thank you for your worry... what are you? You remind me a bit of someone...
I'm a Pokemon, currently the only one here. The kind of Pokemon I am is a Chimchar. Humans here can't understand me, guess only ones in my world can understand Pokemon.
I...remind you of someone?
A... Pokemon? That's perhaps true... you speak your own language, I assume?
Yes, of someone who used to live in the garden of my friend.
I hope it'll help a little.
((ooc: If.. if he ever finds out what Ali is in reality, he may end up hating him... xD'
A lot... xD'))
I'm Gary Bradge. It's a pleasure to meet you.
((ooc: that's the problem with Ali, no allies only people hating him xDDDDDDDD))
Jowy, it's nice to meet you.
((ooc: Haha, perhaps I'll let act Jowy his ally, since... Jowy is one hell of a backstabber himself... xD'))
Hello! Looks like I'm not the only one... I arrived last night. I'm Alphonse.
Alphonse? My name is Jowy. It's nice to meet you.
Are you okay, Jowy? Not hurt anywhere?
I think... I feel fine right now. How about you?
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