Fic: Remember Susan/Talia Part 2

May 10, 2009 21:16

Title: Remember (Part 2/?)
Fandom & Pairing Babylon 5 Susan/Talia
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Report", bellowed Cmdr. Ivanova the minute she reached C & C. Lt. Corwin visibly jumped at her command. He always seemed so skittish around her.

"The ship came through the jumpgate about a half hour ago.  All attempts at communication have failed.
We can't even penetrate the hull with our sensors."

Susan stepped closer to the observation dome, It was just hanging there lifeless in space. After thinking through her options she made a decision.

"Inform the security chief that we are going to tow the vessel in, tell him to have a security detail standing by.

C& C is yours Corwin." Susan left the dome and headed for the Cobra bay.

"Babylon 5 this is Alpha leader do you copy?"

"Alpha Leader we copy you."

"Any changes with the ship?"

"Negative Alpha Leader."

"Alpha Six and I will attempt to tow the vessel using the grappling hooks."

Ivanova positioned her Starfury on the starboard side while Alpha six took port. Flicking a few switches and the grappling hook was activated. A dull thud sounded when it made contact with the ship's hull. Susan waited for Alpha six to get his hook in position. A warning beep caught her attention. Some kind of feedback was being sent along the hook's connection to the ship. Before she could disengage the surge hit her Starfury.

The lights flashing on the Nav board alerted it's only occupant to a system malfunction. Skilled fingers glided over the controls, frantically trying to remedy the situation.

"Life support down to ten percent."

"Damn", Ivanova swore. She had to send a message to B5 let them know she was in trouble.

"Babylon 5, this is Commander Susan Ivanova my starfury was hit by an energy discharge from the ship. Life Support is failing. Do you copy??"

The crackle of static was the only reply Susan got. Suddenly her vision was engulfed in a white light. That was the last thing Susan registered before everything went black.

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