Finished some 8-9 rocks. Most of them have a history behind them that goes back to Indian Springs camp. I'll put some of them into my rock garden, a few into a neighbor's garden. She created a garden where she encourages neighbors to take a rock if they want to. She wrote last week that her garden looks so empty and if anyone feels like putting rocks in it, would be great. She, btw, was the person who gave me useful advises about rock painting and how to organize rock garden at camp. She is my go-to person when I have any questions about rock painting.
Rock #1. I had a helper named Eleonor in camp this summer. She is very artistic and paints beautifully. One time during Free Wed as kids were painting rocks another counselor told her it would be nice if she painted her a rock for her garden. I was busy with kids, Eleonor starting painting a rock. I see how pretty it looks and I get envious of that other counselor. I ask Eleonor if she can paint one for me too. She is surprised, turned out this particular rock she wasn't painting for the counselor. So, I got it. Finally, some 3 weeks later I finally sealed it, now it goes into my rock garden, finally!
Rock #2. Ella, one of the girls who loved Art at camp painted this rock. She only painted a sunflower, without the details, but then she abandoned the rock saying she doesn't like it. I personally LOVE sunflowers, so I tried to convince her maybe 2-3 times to reconsider, I'll help her make the rock look better. Nothing helped, she lost interest in it. It was sitting for a few weeks on a kiln, I was waiting for inspiration to finish it, however, inspiration rarely comes when I'm too busy. I took it home and finally found some quiet time to finish it. Only added some details and a butterfly. Out it goes into my rock garden today
Rock #3 Zoe, one of my most Avid art lovers asked to make a rock as a present for her mom. She was copying the design of cactus from my rock I did last year. She almost finished it, but then it disappeared, the rock. I searched everywhere, couldn't find it. What a mystery! I found another nice rock for her (by that time we were running low on big rocks) and she repeated the design. She left camp some 2-3 weeks before the camp ended. A few days later I discovered her almost-done-rock on a kiln. Brain clog, Anna! After we started implementing rock painting during Free Wednesdays as well as painting rocks at the end of the day I needed to find a place for a large number of rocks that kids started but didn't finish. I decided to use kiln. And then forgot that I'm using it for half finished rocks! This summer I was multitasking way too much!
So, I brought it home and soon after that added some details to it but then, as I was sealing it the paint from markers started to leak. Another disappointment! I put it away for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I redid the pot and also added a few creatures. It is finally finished! And it came out so good! Originally I was gonna give it to the neighbor, but now I can't, it has so much history. I'll give my original cactus rock instead.
Rock #4. Lex, one of our counselor wanted to paint a rock one day when there were few girls in her group and she didn't have to run around like crazy (most of the camp it seemed like she did). She, she went through the cards I had as a sample, found this cute fish and started painting it. It came out so good. She finished almost everything, she just needed to add details with markers and seal it. After that I didn't see her in the art room any more. I reminded the girls a few times to tell her about the fish, I told her myself a few times, but I guess she didn't find the time. Even during the Week 9.
So, I couldn't abondon poor fish. I took it home, finished it and sealed it. I'll put it into my rock garden and will probably bring it to camp next summer
Rock #5. One of Mohawk boys did it. She got such a kick out of painting those rocks. I decided to turn it into inspirational rocks. This, plus #7 I'll give to my neighbor
Rock #8 and #9. Copied design from a book I have. The one where it says АПТЕКА (pharmacy) I was going to copy "Drugs and food" but it was too long, wouldn't fit. "drugs" was too short. So, I decided to go for the russian name. I'll put both into the neighbor's garden