Title: Riddles in the Dark
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Castiel, a smidgen of Sam, and mentions of Jimmy
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Angst, Spoilers through Season 5
Length: 1,083
Summary: Dean has a late-night conversation with Castiel.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: I hadn't planned on this being the first SPN story to share with you all, but I'
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Comments 24
I'm not sure how to describe it, but something about this fic felt... atmospheric. Not the right word, but just reading it gave me flashbacks to dark motel rooms on still nights when you lay across the scratchy blankets in the too-stifling air and just try to breathe coz you know you'll never fall asleep here. Seriously, the whole mood of this was so evocative. I really felt for Dean here, and I love his comparison between asking questions of his Dad and talking to Cas. Also, this line:
Sometimes it got a little lonely when you thought you were the only one left awake in the world.summed up the Dean/Cas interaction perfectly for this fic. Sort of a desperate, yet un-asked-for co-dependence ( ... )
I'm not sure how to describe it, but something about this fic felt... atmospheric
That's actually perfect. Definitely what I was going for :)
There will be more SPN fic to come ;) Another one will be on the way shortly, actually.
(just wanna make sure I get it all covered before cross-posting it)
I'm still on Season 4 (Dean just ran away from a Yorkie puppy).
My hand is like... twitching on my mouse (whoa, that wasn't meant to sound dirty) because I want to read it but I know I'm either gonna be totally spoiled for the episodes I haven't seen, or just be confused as hell and I don't think either scenario would do your writing any justice.
In the words of my favorite Winchester, "Son of a bitch!" Okay, making a note to come back and read this once I'm caught up. *hugs*
So you can wait :D It'll be here when you're ready for it!
(Dean just ran away from a Yorkie puppy)
Best episode EVER! XD
You nailed Castiel's voice... and I loved Dean's underlying possessiveness of Sam... and the glimpses into Dean starting to unravel and give up hope. He is such a complex character and you portrayed his inner struggle perfectly here!
I love writing Dean because he's like, made of angst. Very theraputic ;)
I'm glad to hear I got Cas's voice right. There are so many different ways people write him, and it's hard to tell when you've latched onto a voice that's as close to canon as possible. He's fun to write too :D
If I hadn't known it was your first time writing for the fandom, nothing about this would've clued me in to that. Great job!
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