fic: The Void (Act 2)

Feb 25, 2010 22:07

Title: The Void
Pairings: All pairings are of the "ish" variety: Zach/Chris-ish, Bruce/Anton-ish, John/Anton-ish, Karl/Eric-ish
CHRIS: Zach! Hey! What are we doing here? What is this place?
ZACH: What? Oh, yeah the void? This happens sometimes. Don't worry about it.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: unrepentant crack, script form, almost zero plot
Length: 3,000+ (total)
Disclaimer: I own the Void, but everything else is borrowed

Feedback is...well, everything, really...


CHRIS:  Whoa, abrupt scene-change.

ZACH: [shrugs] It happens here. [he looks around and realizes they're alone again] I kind of feel like we’re the Ring Leaders all of a sudden though.  The only things we lack are the top-hats and tails.

[oh, good idea!...ERIC and KARL enter from stage-right and hand Zach and Chris each a bundle of clothes]

CHRIS: [looks at clothes] What are these for?

ZACH: [examines clothes] Whoa!  Chris, look! [puts on top-hat]

CHRIS:  [gasps] YES!

[ZACH and CHRIS change into their new attire: red tailcoats, black top-hat, and bow-tie.  KARL enters again and hands Zach and Chris each a black cane.]

CHRIS:  Snazzy! [he straightens his top-hat and bowtie, then kicks his cane with his foot, swinging it up over his shoulder]

ZACH: [straightens his tailcoat and examines Chris’s appearance] You look nice, man.

CHRIS:  Thanks!  You don’t look so bad yourself. [he straightens Zach’s bow-tie]

ZACH: [shyly] Thanks. [he winks at Chris]

CHRIS:  You know, for a fandom that prefers obscure pairings the two of us sure are in this thing a lot.

ZACH:  I know, right?  But Zoe did say we're sort of a big deal again.  I don't know though, maybe we should give someone else a chance.

CHRIS:  I agree.

ZACH:  Who should we get?

CHRIS:  Um.  I’m thinking Cho…Yeah, Cho.  Aaand…

ZACH:  Anton?

CHRIS:  Weren’t we trying to keep Anton in the background?  Won’t bringing him in for his own scene be kind of a step backwards?

ZACH: [shrugs] Obscure pairings.

CHRIS:  If you say so. [he tips his top-hat]

[ZACH and CHRIS look at each other awkwardly for a moment and then turn in opposite directions, exiting the stage.  Almost immediately they each return; ZACH with Anton, and CHRIS with John.  They push John and Anton towards center stage.]

ANTON:  What’s going on?

JOHN: [worried] I have no idea.

ZACH:  Chris!  Come here!

[JOHN and ANTON watch Chris and Zach exit the stage and return a moment later with a table and two chairs]

ZACH: [to John and Anton] Sit.

[JOHN and ANTON sit.  ZACH and CHRIS exit the stage again, bringing back a tablecloth, candles, and fancy place-setting for two.  They set the table and stand back, admiring their work]

CHRIS:  Looks good.

ZACH:  Yeah, but it’s missing something.

CHRIS:  Yeah? [he lights the candles] What are you thinking?

ZACH: [examines the table, John, and Anton in deep concentration.  After a minute he snaps his fingers] Got it! [he quickly exits, then returns a second later with Bruce Greenwood]

ANTON:  Hey Bruce!

BRUCE:  Hey-

ZACH: [interrupts Bruce, and addresses John and Anton in a kind and business-like tone] Bruce will be your waiter this evening.  If you need anything at all, let him know. [he bows and retreats towards Chris]

CHRIS:  Zach, you’re a genius!


[ZACH and CHRIS giggle and run off stage]

ZACH: [pokes his head back into view] SCENE CHANGE!

Scene 2:  A Lovers’ Night Out

ANTON: [shocked, quickly stands up] LOVERS?

BRUCE:  Sit down, kid, it’s for a good cause.

ANTON:  Yeah, but-

BRUCE:  Sit.

[ANTON sits]

BRUCE:  [Bruce hands John and Anton each a menu] I’ll leave you gentlemen alone for a moment to look over the menu. [he bows and exits]

[JOHN and ANTON look at each other in awkward silence for a moment, then JOHN reaches out to gently hold Anton's hand]

JOHN:  I’ve wanted this for so long.

ANTON:  What?

JOHN:  I’ve wanted you for a long time, Anton.

ANTON:  What?  But you’re married!

JOHN:  Well, that’s not so much a problem here.  But you and I never get put together, and that is a problem.  Wait!  I take that back…we did hook up a couple of times.

ANTON:  Was it good?

JOHN:  Always a little angsty, but overall very nice.

ANTON: [interested] Hmm.

JOHN:  That’s not enough though, Anton.  I need more.

[JOHN leans across the table and kisses Anton soundly on the mouth.  ANTON tenses slightly but quickly relaxes into the kiss, he moans and grabs the back of John’s neck, pulling him closer.  BRUCE enters, sees John and Anton and clears his throat]

BRUCE:  Do you gentlemen know what you’d like this evening?

[JOHN and ANTON break apart and gaze up at Bruce.  A moment of loaded silence passes as they each stare at one another, and then suddenly, BRUCE reaches out and grabs Anton, pulling him up from his chair roughly, and crushing their mouths and bodies together.  ANTON moans loudly and begins rutting shamelessly against that silver fox’s hard-]


Act 3


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