i shall become a bat

Jun 10, 2011 21:28

Frank Miller's Face Composed of Frank Miller Quotes - and no, it's not just whoreswhoreswhoreswhoreswhores. I'm disappointed. (oh, wait! I do see "a dead hooker.")

trololol, the goddamn fashion batman, comics everybody!

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Comments 4

keelieinblack June 11 2011, 01:49:14 UTC
I too would have liked it better if it were just "whoreswhoreswhores". With a few "Dick Grayson, age twelve"s in there, too.

...maybe someone will be inspired and do a version that's nothing but legitimately awful Miller quotes! 's not as if there's a lack of them.


hieronymousmosh June 11 2011, 01:54:26 UTC
I would put that version on my wall. I wonder if this guys does commissions...


mrs_laugh_track June 11 2011, 03:59:22 UTC
I find it incredibly hilarious that his beard is mostly made out of the word Batman. Like I can't even look at the beard area of the picture without cracking up. BATMAN BEARD.

Also I may have spent an embarrassing amount of time searching the whole thing for "Dick Graysoon, age twelve". No luck though, which is weird because of how many uses there should have been available to put on hat picture. However I did find "it's full of bats" which is funny. So, yes.

.... whoreswhoreswhoreswhoreswhores


hieronymousmosh June 11 2011, 04:25:33 UTC
Dear Art, I need to be able to ctrl+F you. AT LEAST there's the "what are you dense? ... I'm the goddamn batman" line. It really wouldn't be right without that.

In conclusion, batman robin batman batman robin marv.


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