Video post 001 ◊ Gone

Aug 16, 2010 00:19

[The video feed starts with blurry vision of the inside of a cottage. For those that has been in Dastan's home, it's definitely not his. It's decorated too well. For those that were at Tamina's party, some might recognize the Princess' furniture here and there.

It's clear from the way the images move that he's looking around the house for ( Read more... )

losing her again, ic, never able to say goodbye, !video post

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Comments 57

scientize August 16 2010, 04:46:00 UTC
[The small woman doesn't even need to check the contact list. She can read the sad news in the man's face.]

Dastan! [She shouts a little foolishly after him. It takes quite some time to get to Tamina's former home from Naomi's lab. She's afraid to head out there only to find him already gone.

Still, the woman is already looking around for her missing heel.]


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 04:53:40 UTC
[The shout seems to break the Prince out of his thoughts and he grabs his Dreamberry on the floor, a little bit confused to be yelled at and even more so to watch Naomi seemingly looking for something]



scientize August 16 2010, 04:59:41 UTC
[She finally locates a black shoe somehow tucked under her couch. Naomi fishes it out before answering. Relief flashes over her soft expression.]

Oh, you answered. Good. Very good.


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 05:09:12 UTC
[He blinks for a moment, still a bit confused]

Is...everything all right?

[His voice is a bit flatter than usual. It's not that he cares less about Naomi, but Dastan has a lot on his mind. And he really doesn't know how to tell Naomi about Tamina not being in this world anymore.]


spearthis August 16 2010, 04:57:37 UTC
[She can tell that something is wrong, it's obvious but more so unsettling. She doesn't like seeing Dastan upset, a man who is constantly plagued by sad dreams. She had avoided commenting on those, allowing her dear friend time to collect his thoughts uninterrupted and unquestioned, but this was different.]



hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 05:03:37 UTC
[His gaze finally casts down to his Dreamberry and he picks up as he sees Judith's face. Dastan really wishes he could say that he's all right, that this is nothing, like he could brush what nightmares he's been plagued with, but he knows that Judith, for all the discretion she's had with him, would not let that pass.]

....She is gone...

[His voice is soft, barely over a whisper. The Prince is sure he doesn't really have to precise who he's speaking of]


spearthis August 16 2010, 05:15:06 UTC
It's never easy, Dastan.

[Her voice is soft, and sad only because she knows the feeling first hand. The reaction especially stings, because she had did this to someone in the past.]

I'm offering my company if you need it, but I understand if you'd rather be alone.


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 05:23:00 UTC

[Dastan closes his mouth for a moment, not even sure he knows what he wants. Being alone can only remind him of what he's lost, here and in his world. But still, meeting with Judith...considering his mood right now, would it really be fair to the young woman? The Prince shifts uncomfortably and offers Judith a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes]

I...don't think I would be an enjoyable company right now...But....I would not mind yours...if you think you can bear with me.


katona_sziv August 16 2010, 05:14:27 UTC
...Is everything okay?


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 05:24:41 UTC
Lady Elizaveta...

[He shakes his head softly though he gives her a small smile]

I believe Princess Tamina has disappear from this world.


katona_sziv August 16 2010, 05:29:28 UTC
[Hungary takes in a sharp intake of breath before quickly scrolling through the Dreamberry only to see that Dastan is correct.]

Is there anything I can do to help, Prince?


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 05:44:37 UTC
Thank you Lady Elizaveta. But....I will be all right. I believe Tamina is probably more at ease back within her Holy City than in this world.


beingtranslated August 16 2010, 10:28:23 UTC
[Steve noticed the feed go on and is thrilled to see Dastan on it. But Steve's not stupid enough not to notice that there seemed to be something wrong with the man. His worry may not convey in his tone but he tries anyway.]



hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 17:05:55 UTC
[Dastan sees the monkey on the feed back and he raises an eyebrow slowly, a small smile picking up on his lips]

Hey there little buddy. Is everything okay at home?

[He doesn't want for Steve to worry about him]


beingtranslated August 16 2010, 17:28:28 UTC
[Steve open and closes his mouth a couple of times before replying.]


[Nope, no monkey business going on here. Everything is looking neat today.]


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 18:09:19 UTC
[He chuckles lightly. At least he doesn't have to worry about his house being in complete shambles when he comes back]

That's good. I'll be back in a few moments.


gesangvoll August 16 2010, 15:22:10 UTC
Is everything all right, Dastan? [because hey, he does recognize that furniture.]


hides_thedagger August 16 2010, 17:09:28 UTC
[The Prince ponders what to answer for a short moment. Everything is all right for the Princess, but not for him. He chooses to answer simply]

....The Princess is back in our world.


gesangvoll August 17 2010, 04:27:11 UTC
[Having experienced several friends (and some... other people) vanishing from Somarium during his time here, he can understand somewhat how Dastan is feeling]

My condolences. Will you be all right?


hides_thedagger August 17 2010, 04:58:13 UTC
Thank you.

[He nods slowly, slightly surprised by the offered concern from the other man. They barely know each other after all]

I will be, thank you.


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