One Last Time.

Aug 06, 2014 20:01

True Blood. Episode 707.

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true blood

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Comments 15

dollylollipop August 7 2014, 01:46:16 UTC
GOOD LAWRD! What has happened to this show?

"I ain't homo but.." WOW, this show used to be more tolerant. Sexuality is complicated and it's perfectly fine to be flexible, etc. I'm sorry, but that line really pissed me off to no end. I don't know if was just me or not.

What pissed me off even more was Sookie feeling all this guilt and then having sex with Bill. JUST WHY?!

UGH...this wasn't an easy recap. HUGS! You're a real gem! :)

P.S. NuBlood isn't an original idea. Look up Vampirella NuBlood. They used an idea from a parody of TRUE BLOOD! WHAT EVEN! It might be a coincidence, but I'd like more originality please.


hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 02:50:55 UTC
I'm sorry, but that line really pissed me off to no end. I don't know if was just me or not.

No, it wasn't just you. Ugh, this is the testament to how bad this has become: I didn't even blink at that line when I watched the episode (granted, there was so much bad in it, it was hard to blink at everything), and only noticed it on the rewatch. And went UGGGGH!


Is exactly what I was screaming at my TV. I do not understand anything anymore. UGH.

Thank you so much, dear! HUGS right back! :)

P.S. NuBlood isn't an original idea. Look up Vampirella NuBlood. They used an idea from a parody of TRUE BLOOD! WHAT EVEN! It might be a coincidence, but I'd like more originality please.

Heh. Figures. I thought it sounded familiar. Sigh. At this point, forget originality, I would like some coherence, as well as some actual narrative that makes sense! Oy.


dollylollipop August 7 2014, 03:18:45 UTC
I completely agree with you on the coherence. And if the narrative made actual sense? I'd probably be dancing with joy! On a side note: This WTF icon is specifically for True Blood discussions. SIGH. It used to be a quality show.


hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 05:01:47 UTC
Sigh, indeed. Ha! The icon is perfect! :)


(The comment has been removed)

hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 05:06:07 UTC
Consider this the True Blood diet, Bill flashbacks and naked veiny butt will do more for weight loss than Weight Watchers.

Finally! A silver lining! I haven't thought of it this way, but YAY! I could actually get something out of this torture! :))

I hear different things, that this is all a ruse that will lead to an E/S HEA but I don't see how since they're throwing everything including the kitchen sink into this jumbled mess.

Exactly. The writing is so bad, that literally anything can happen and it would make about as much sense as anything else. I have never seen a group of writers disintegrate a show so badly and so fast. It's kind of fascinating to watch if I weren't so damn emotionally involved still. I wish I only had academic interest left, then I could enjoy watching this disaster unfold.

In totally unrelated news, I saw the first episode of Outlander this past weekend. Talk about a first episode that is staying true to the book plus handsome Scots. :)Confession: I never read Outlander. But I hear such great things that ( ... )


vanillefax August 7 2014, 10:17:01 UTC
TrueBlood is dead to me now after the first episode of this season; but I still enjoy reading your reviews. :) At this point I can't wait just how badly all this will end *cackles*.
And sometimes I'm just so mad because this was my favorite show for so long and it will never fulfill its potential. It was an emotionally and intellectually challenging puzzle and now it's so, so empty.

Anyway, I love reading your thoughts on every episode.


hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 23:20:14 UTC
Thank you, dear.

Sigh, I hear you! I wish I could walk away at this point, but it's 3 more (torturous!) episodes left, and I will probably stick it out. And then soak in a bath for 8 hours to get the sticky feeling out.

I am also very sad, and for the same reason: I freaking loved this show. To have it come to this?! Ugh.


pinkfoundglory August 7 2014, 13:59:13 UTC

*gives the rest of the episode the side-eye*


hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 23:20:45 UTC
Hahahaha. That's the spirit! :) Dr. Ludwig was the best part, no doubt. Sigh.


lostinspace33 August 7 2014, 17:10:01 UTC
[But even more so, my heart breaks at the thought that this could be the message of the show: That you can do untold harm, face no consequences other than some speechifying about how it hurts YOU to have done so much harm, and still be rewarded. Your sins forgiven. Because … why? Because the actor who plays you is married to the actress who plays your victim? Is that seriously and truly what I am hearing from the writers’ camp? IS THAT FOR REAL ( ... )


hiddeneloise August 7 2014, 23:25:46 UTC
Sigh. You are probably right. And I know I shouldn't be surprised, but it's just so inconceivable to me that this is the way they chose to do it. At the expense of the current project. It's so cold and calculating and I get that it's a business, but from the business stand point, they are not doing themselves that many favors. Because a lot of people lost a lot of trust in this team. Including the leads. If they were planning on capitalizing on something, it's backfiring.

But it would explain the sudden "LOOK! ANNA AND STEPHEN ARE MARRIED!" media blitz that has been happening lately. Like they just got together. Like they haven't been married and like it hadn't mattered to the show for the past 5 years. Sigh.

Anyway, thank you. This might make it a bit easier for me to disengage. It's such a craptastic reason to butcher a narrative, it makes the heartbreak turn into anger. Anger can lead to detachment.


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