Meme sheepage.

May 01, 2010 01:00

Relationship Meme/Reverse Meme goes here... comment with the names of your characters or what they think of Ken, and I'll reply with what he thinks of them.

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Comments 124

classprotector May 2 2006, 18:20:04 UTC
I think Ken's just met Buffy of mine?


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 18:34:33 UTC
For some reason I'm thinking he's met Threepio, too, but he hasn't. I don't think. I'll have to check on that.

Buffy! Ken likes her quite a bit, actually. She's upbeat and friendly and always around and being helpful. For some reason he's more comfortable around Buffy than a lot of girls at camp; it's probably a combination of her already having a boyfriend (he really hopes she's not going to tell Kon about the levitating incident...) and that she doesn't seem like she's about to turn into a damsel in distress anytime soon. He'd trust her to watch his back, which is more than he can say for most people. And he was looking forward to sparring with her until he turned into a bunny (the first time) and all the drama kicked in. Now that he's human again, maybe it'll happen. He needs to work on his snark. ^_~


dead_of_go May 2 2006, 18:26:05 UTC
Former host! What's Ken think of Sai now that the haunting is over?


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 18:45:54 UTC
Former haunter!

Ken kinda misses him, already. He'd gotten used to Sai's presence, and it might be a little odd for him the next time they talk now that he isn't being haunted, since anything he picks up will be an echo of what it was before.

I think more than anything else, he's glad he was haunted. It got Sai free from the board for a little while, which in Ken's opinion is a good thing. He'll probably offer to take Sai out more often. And more importantly, the haunting was the little kick that Ken needed to focus on his looming insanity. Seriously focus, I mean, not just wave his hand and 'yes, I'm fine,' people to death. It's partially because of Sai that Ken's mental health is improving, and it's definitely thanks to Sai that he met Francescu and started focusing on managing his emotions and rages. So he's grateful, even if he might not be able to say it.


dead_of_go May 2 2006, 19:24:46 UTC
A happy haunting yay! The fact that it went smoothly is such a good thing for Sai (even though the way it ended pings his host guilt a little bit. But his host guilt would find a way to be pinged no matter what so...). Sai's really fond of Ken now and will want to spend time with him frequently.

He'll miss the haunting a bit of course but he's a step closer to being ready to deal with certain things because of Ken (even if he doesn't know it yet) and that's a very good thing. If he ever figures it out Ken will get lots of thank yous.


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 20:19:00 UTC
It was a happy haunting, wasn't it? ^_^ And Sai should be proud, Ken played a decent game with Elizabeth-Rosalyn. He remembered all of the rules and everything!

Ken will brush off any thank yous that come his way and replace them with his own. I think he and Sai had a lot more in common than they knew.


notjealous May 2 2006, 18:27:28 UTC
Hay thar, Ken. I don't think he's met Aziraphale?


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 18:56:23 UTC
Howdy! Nope, he hasn't, and it's a shame!

Wolfram throws Ken off balance. He's not sure whether Wolfram likes him or not, and he's not sure whether something he says is liable to piss Wolfram off or not. Ken's the, "if you need help, I'll give it so long as you're not a threat to me," type, though, which is why he approached Wolfram again after their initial, not-so-pleasant encounter. Now, he thinks Wolfram might not mind him quite as much, but he's still going to watch what he says. He doesn't expect to become friends or anything, but he'll probably keep coming back, because Wolfram sort of reminds Ken of Ran. Just a little.


notjealous June 27 2006, 05:18:00 UTC
...I want to be a ho bag and ask you to recomment. HA HA HA -- [shot]


hidaka_ken June 28 2006, 22:54:35 UTC
Because I'm just as big a ho, you're getting Camp Ken and AU Ken. It's a two for one deal. A Wolfram sandwich ( ... )


patria_ou_mort May 2 2006, 20:14:55 UTC
Bonjour. Opinion on the Frenchman, if you please?


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 21:32:28 UTC
Ken can pronounce your name now! It only took physical trauma and what, three weeks? A month? But hey, he's proud of himself for it.

That said, Ken's opinion of camp has changed since their first strikeout ridden conversation. When Ken first woke up here he didn't really understand the concept of, "you're trapped, barrier, haha!" and he thought that he could just get Omi and leave. But now he's been here awhile. He's made friends. He's made breakthroughs. And... he kinda likes camp better than home. So even though he likes Enjolras, he won't be joining the crusade any longer, and he's pretty sure that's going to lower the Frenchman's opinion of him. I'm planning to have his camp-assigned gun turn up soon, though, so maybe he'll ask Enjolras to teach him to shoot to smooth things over. Now that ZAFT isn't pissed off at him. ^_^;


esp_not_pms May 2 2006, 20:19:33 UTC


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 22:35:50 UTC

Ken doesn't have much of an opinion on you yet, as you only just met, but as far as first impressions go... you seemed nice. Kinda quiet. You seemed a little too young to be a detective, though, so he's suspicious as to what your job -actually- is. (I looked it up, no one mentioned the Shinigami thing to him IC, it was just mun-talk in strikeouts, sorry!)


esp_not_pms May 2 2006, 22:39:31 UTC
Not young~ >/ (except he is, compared to the other Shinigami he works with |DDDD. And ♥)


hidaka_ken May 2 2006, 22:44:54 UTC
Well, I know he's not young. And you know he's not young. But Ken doesn't know that, since Ken also doesn't know he's dead... all he's got to go on is how old Hisoka looks, which is not old at all.

(♥~ right back at yooooou!)


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