1 ♡ video/action for new bark!

Nov 20, 2011 13:13

[ It's evident that Orihime adores her Happiny by the way she's holding the Pokemon up in the air by the waist. ]

Ahaha, you're so cute! [ Happiny squeals happily in response as Orihime inspects the Pokemon at eye-level. ] Ohh, you're so tiny, I could just pack you up in my bag and take you home with me!!

[ But her excitement is short-lived, ( Read more... )

new bark town, horrible timing, happiny so cute

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[video] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 04:00:54 UTC
[Well. Here's a shock; he wasn't expecting to see her again...she looks older. How long has it been for her? Long enough for trouble to find them again, at least. ...Not that that takes long.]

You can't leave by choice. Whatever they've gotten into, they'll have to handle without you there for a time if things actually continue there.


[video] hibiscushield November 21 2011, 04:37:26 UTC
[ That voice... sounds all too familiar. ]

T...Toushirou-kun!! [ OH BOY she is so excited to see you, can you tell. She hasn't seen you in years! ] You're here...

[ She frowns a little, though, at that last part. She's worried sick about her friends and... ] A-Aah, right. I was told that time stops at home while we're here, so I think things should be okay...!


[video] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 05:45:28 UTC
[Sounds familiar and probably looks familiar, being that he hasn't aged a day from when she last saw him...probably.

And while the use of his given name gets a twitch to appear, he only nods.] As is Matsumoto. We've been here for some time now.

[Time that he knows hasn't flowed back home; experience colors his tone when he speaks again.] They should be. Five months passed here, but barely a moment had passed back home. Hopefully they can stay out of trouble for that long.


[video] hibiscushield November 21 2011, 05:57:47 UTC
Thank goodness you two are here! I thought that I would be surrounded by strangers the entire time, hehe.

I-I think they should be fine... Aah, why am I worrying so much? They don't need me to stay safe, right...? [ A sheepish grin. ]

Oh, Toushirou-kun, you look the same from when I last saw you!! Speaking of which, you guys haven't visited Karakura in a while!! [ Yes, she's trying to reprimand you. Only half-seriously, though. She just misses you all too much. ♥ ]


[video] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 06:18:07 UTC
You would have been fine. Things are rather peaceful here. [Most of the time, anyway. Barring pokémon incidents.]

They may not need you, but given your track records, all the help they can get is a good thing. Still, worrying about them won't help any of you. Not while you can't get back on your own.

[Another twitch at the the name, before a confused look is get. Haven't visited---it must have been a long time.] Then I'll take it that the war is over for you?


[video] hibiscushield November 21 2011, 06:33:07 UTC
Where are you two? I should meet up with the both of you, soon.

[ Her smile fades. ] I... I know. I just can't help it... I-I was put here in the middle of a horrible time, so...

...Eh? [ And just like that, her expression instantly lights up again. ] O-Of course, the war ended over a year ago! You don't remember...?


[video] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 07:07:13 UTC
We're in Goldenrod City at the moment. It's about a month's journey from New Bark Town, if the weather holds up.

[Which it's not doing, so...it'll take her a while. They might not be there when she arrives.

And while he understands what she means by terrible time, he only shakes his head. How to explain this...] A person can't remember something they haven't lived through, Inoue. You, Matsumoto, and I come from different times, with different memories. I was still in the middle of the war when I arrived here.


[video] hibiscushield November 21 2011, 07:29:36 UTC
Oh... [ Frowns. ] I guess it'll be a while before I can see the both of you, huh?

So... does that mean you missed out on how the war ended, Toushirou-kun? [ She was in Hueco Muendo most of the time, so she wouldn't have known if he went missing or not. She's still trying to make sense of it- time stops when you disappear, and yet this entire time he's been gone, and nobody in Soul Society made mention of it...? ] But... that can't be...

I-In any case, if Rangiku-san hasn't told you already... Everyone's alright. [ She'll wait for him to press her for more details, if he really wants to know more. ]


[video] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 08:29:41 UTC
In person, at any rate. These communications will have to suffice until then.

[A pause. Missed out? Not really. He just hasn't lived it yet, and he's doubting he ever will. Still, he tries to not dwell on it. Especially since he knows what happens.]

I know. I was told as much several times. [There's a lot he wants to know, but knowing that she had been kidnapped is making him think that she won't know all the details anyway. No point in asking that.]


[video] sob typos all over the place tonight hibiscushield November 21 2011, 08:47:03 UTC
Th-That's fine. It's better than nothing, right?

Then... does that mean that Rangiku-san's from a timeline after the war ended? [ It's a relief that he knows; she would have worried about him if it came as a surprise to him. He would have been stuck here all this time worrying about the war...

And then suddenly, there's a long, contemplative pause before she brings up another topic: ] Toushirou-kun, I... I need to talk to you about something else. Is there a way where we can make this discussion private?


[video ; filtered] no worries~ freezetheskies November 21 2011, 09:21:11 UTC
[A nod; better than nothing indeed. Especially considering how much trouble they all get into.]

It does. She's the one who told me in the first place. [Even if it...wasn't the one who's currently here. That's another can of worms, one he's not opening.

Not when he's tossing up a filter, anyway. With some luck, it'll work.] I can't say it will hold for long, but that should work.


[video ; filtered] :3! hibiscushield November 21 2011, 09:38:32 UTC
[ She'll probably need their assistance sooner or later. ]

Ah... Then, I guess that's a good thing that you've been assured, right?

Thank you. [ There's another delay- she's honestly not sure if she should be telling him this since it's way beyond his timeline, but for the sake of making sure he knows what to expect, she'll tell him. ] ...There's a new adversity that Ishida-kun and I have been facing. At least, I think we're facing the same person. Um, we haven't been dealing with this for a really long time, but... I think this person could be very dangerous.


[video ; filtered] ♥ freezetheskies November 21 2011, 09:51:30 UTC
[Probably. But even he's needed help, so...yeah.]

I suppose. It's better than not knowing anything at all.

[A long pause; there isn't much he can do with that information here, but considering they have no idea who can and can't show up...well, a warning is appreciated.]

If it's his abilities that make him dangerous, he will be less so here. No one can use any sort of powers while they're here.


[video ; filtered] ♥ hibiscushield November 21 2011, 10:11:19 UTC
Mhm. Everything with Aizen-san's done with. [ For now, anyway. But she won't tell him that.

That's why she wanted to filter this discussion; in case Tsukishima were here somewhere, he wouldn't know that Orihime's exposing him to someone from Soul Society. ]

That's a relief, then. Because he... attacked Ishida-kun. I-I ran into him after it happened and I tried to stop him from escaping, but in the middle of it, I ended up here. I don't think that he's done anything to Kurosaki-kun or Sado-kun, but... I'm worried that he will.

I'm sorry, Toushirou-kun. I just thought you should know for the future, in case you get sent back and we don't meet like this before then... I know he hasn't done anything to Soul Society, but he could be a threat in the future.


[video ; filtered] freezetheskies November 21 2011, 12:11:26 UTC
[Just like he won't say that Aizen being done with is a huge relief. She probably knows, anyway.

And it's doubtful that Tsukishima's here...yet, anyway. No telling who could show up next.]

You shouldn't worry. Kurosaki's gotten himself out of worse situations than a single man causing trouble, and I doubt that Sado is any different after all this time.

[sigh. all this time...so much he doesn't know and he hates that.] Anyone can be a threat at any given moment. Do you know what kind of abilities he has?


[video ; filtered] hibiscushield November 22 2011, 02:27:33 UTC
[ Aizen could be next for all they know.

And while that part about Sado is true- except he did get a lot stronger since the war- Ichigo..... ]

Ah, I forgot to mention, his name is Tsukishima. I-I'm not entirely sure about his abilities, none of us have seen or heard of what he can do. All we know is that we're sure he's the one who cut Ishida-kun, and that must mean that he's strong, right...?

One more thing, Toushirou-kun.... Kurosaki-kun lost his all of his shinigami powers around a month after the war ended.


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