Title: Cheer Up Emo, Time Moppet (An Up-to-Date Story for Today's Youth) Author: hhertzofSummary: (Stolen from the original) The Doctor and Romana's secret alien love-child learns some hard facts about life
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Very odd, I just tested and they're working for me. She's got a list of her fanfic here but as that's where I got the links from, I don't know if that will help.
Glad you liked. I'm now trying to remember if the planet line was one I stole from the original or not. I know the K-9 races were mine.
Comments 2
Laughing uproriously over this - especially "How do you lose a whole PLANET?" and the K-9 races.
Glad you liked. I'm now trying to remember if the planet line was one I stole from the original or not. I know the K-9 races were mine.
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