002: Meeting a Muggle

Feb 27, 2009 01:29

Title: Meeting a Muggle
Author: accountingwitch
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Cho/OC
Genre: fic
Warnings: none
Word Count: 438

This is meant to be a multi-chapter thing, but I'm clearly too tired to keep writing. Also, I can TOTALLY read challenges correctly.

Since the days of dating at Hogwarts, Cho found that her life was plagued with poor relationships. Even after school, she couldn't seem to hold a relationship longer than six months.

It probably helped make her more disengaged from the whole magical world in general. Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Cho moved out of her family home to pursue a Muggle career as a school guidance counselor. She had to go back to school, where her dubious education history resulted in a polite visit from the Ministry of Magic, but Cho was reasonably satisfied with her life. She had experience the typical events that any Muggle child would have experienced: mistrusting friends, enduring break-ups, losing loved ones and some not-so-typical. Usually it was just words - teenagers just wanted someone to listen to them and understand what they were saying. There was occasionally the slacker student who fought authority, but a quiet charm or two turned him around.

The 'magical' guidance counselor soon turned the school around from something average into a model system. The magic had its consequences, of course: twice she was audited by the Ministry for any misuse of magic, but they left her alone. Cho knew from her own experience that sometimes people got emotional and needed to talk things out; throwing magic at their cases wouldn't help.

It was during parents' night when she met Edison Lee. His younger brother Arthur was originally a problem student. He had been brought to Cho to see what was wrong: apparently the stress of his older, 'perfect' brother getting into a top university for medicine, compounded with parental expectations to do the same, had caused him to snap. A meeting with his parents and discussion about possible future opportunities that Arther could pursue instead of their own preconceptions had helped a lot.

"So you're the counselor they keep talking about."

Cho turned from Arthur and his parents to face Edison. He looked very much like Arthur, except taller, leaner and much more handsome.

"Yes," Cho said, keeping her voice under control. "And you are...Edison?"

"Yes, nice to meet you Miss Chang," Edison answered. He held out his hand, and Cho shook it. "I'm surprised to see that you're so young," he continued. "You look like a student yourself."

Cho gave a self-conscious smile. "It helps to be closer in age to students," she said.

The conversation was light and casual and Cho enjoyed it thoroughly. She couldn't speak to him often, since she had to greet other students and families, but kept glancing his way when she could.

It wouldn't be so bad, she thought, to try to date a Muggle.

p.s. I think my author tag needs to be changed. Nor is there a "Cho Chang" tag, but I may be the only person in the comm who actually cares about her.

*challenge-002, author: accountingwitch, rating: g, character: cho chang

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