1 fic - challenge #30, "tic tac toe".

Apr 14, 2011 22:12

Title: Dress Robes
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Ron, Harry, Draco, Parvati, Padma.
Summary: All Ron ever wants is to, for once, have something that isn't second-hand. Unfortunately, his Yule Ball robes turn out to be the very definition of 'second-hand'.
Word Count: 1,110
Author's Notes: I love Ron. And this post maxes me out for the ( Read more... )

character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, rating: pg, character: parvarti patil, era: trio, *challenge-030, character: draco malfoy, author: kissoffools

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Comments 1

passingthetime January 1 2012, 21:15:24 UTC
Oh, Ron. And Padma, in a surprising moment, you are awesome!

Hooray for a look at canon from the person it actually involved, lol.


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