Fic Exchange: Fic for mandyloo

Mar 27, 2011 21:52

For: Mandy/mandyloo of Hufflepuff
# of words: 1326
Title: With A Little Help (From My Friends)
Rating/warnings: PG/none
Characters/Pairings: Lily/James, Marauders
Summary: An average winter day.
Author's Notes: I messed the timeline, so I apologize for that. Also, this came out more like a genfic.

With A Little Help (From My Friends) )

character: james potter, character: lily evans-potter, rating: pg, author: caitieness, !fic-exchange

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Comments 1

mandyloo March 27 2011, 20:01:39 UTC
This was cute! It was nice to see them all together and not have Peter as just some random kid that follows them around lol. Thank you!


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