Challenge 79 - Trick

Oct 09, 2010 11:37

Title: Tom Foolery
Rating/Warnings: G; None
Characters/Pairing: Professor Sprout; Harry/Ginny; Draco/Astoria; Neville Longbottom
Summary: The parents of Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter are summoned for a meeting with the Headmistress of Hogwarts.
Word Count: 1,169
Author's Notes: So. I figured since McGonagall does retire at somepoint, and Neville ( Read more... )

character: pomona sprout, character: harry potter, pairing: draco/astoria, pairing: harry/ginny, author: touchofviolet, *challenge-079, era: next gen, character: neville longbottom, character: astoria greengrass-malfoy, rating: g, character: draco malfoy, character: ginny weasley

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touchofviolet October 10 2010, 12:32:50 UTC
Thanks! I'm still getting used to that 30 minute thing. I love having a time limit, surprisingly, but finishing is hard! :p


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