3 drabbles, no challenge

Jun 03, 2010 14:01

Title: Another Face in the Crowd
Summary: Dumbledore at Hogwarts.
Characters/Pairings: Dumbledore
Genre: general
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Note: written before the release of Deathly Hollows

Leaning against the cold stone wall Albus Dumbledore watched students pass by with a sad smile on his face. He would miss these happy days of just being able to listen to the laughter and chatter of others. Albus could not believe how fast the years had passed; it felt like he had always been at Howgwarts. He was almost afraid to leave.

Sighing, he adjusted his shining Head Boy badge that sat next to the crest which named his house Gryffindor and joined the flow of the other students allowing them to push him along to his next class.

Title: A Mother's Love
Summary: Molly Weasley would do anything for her children.
Characters/Pairings: Molly Weasley
Genre: Drama
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 100
Note: written before the release of Deathly Hollows

Young Molly Weasley tried to remember a time when she had not been afraid and found she could not. Sometimes, as she sat in her bed refusing to release tears that threatened to overwhelm her, she wondered why she had been sorted into Gryffindor. Afraid of spiders, afraid of heights, afraid of the dark, she was afraid of it all. Had the Sorting Hat been wrong?

Many years later her doubts were shattered as she intercepted the beam of deadly green light aimed for Ginny. Bravery, she decided, had nothing to do with your courage. Bravery was all about love.

Title: Moony, Moony, on the wall
Summary: The Marauders have strange arguments.
Characters/Pairings: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin,
Genre: Humor
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"Hey Padfoot," James asked, "How come you get all the girls you want, you're a prat while I'm a perfect gentleman to Lily and yet she ignores me."

"It's obvious, Prongs," Sirius replied, blowing on his nails, "I'm prettier than you."

"Are not," James pouted.

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are no-Wait I know how we can solve this. Moony who's prettier?"

Remus stared at his two friends in astonishment, "You're kidding right?"

"No, really! Please Moony! Which one of us is prettier?"

Remus turned and silently walked away. He really needed to find some less strange friends…

2+2+2 = 6


character: remus lupin, character: molly weasley, character: sirius black, rating: g, creator: goddess_of_ice, rating: pg, character: albus dumbledore, character: james potter

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