Title: Death and Danger
Summary: Danger is always near him, he knows. Walking side by side, waiting ahead, hiding behind.
Characters/Pairings: Mundungus Fletcher
Genre: General
etacanis Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Note: Challenge #1
Points: 100/50+5(Challenge)=7 Noelia//Ravenclaw
Death is in the air, moving with a whimsical pace. )
Comments 4
Also, please tag posts with rating(s) and the "challenge" tag if it's in response to a challenge. I'll tag up your other two posts for today.
Let me know if you have any other questions or encounter any other issues with tagging, etc.
I like what you put together here ;)
Thanks for the comment ♥ and the info! Will be a better eagle, now.
No worries! Glad to see you're actively contributing here!! Look forward to seeing more of what you do writing and art wise!
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