Poetry Challenges #04 and #99

Mar 05, 2017 16:10

Title: Bend, Break and Be Mine (to destroy)
Summary: Poetry challenge 4 :Write about how Tom Riddle managed to bend Ginny to his will, from his perspective or hers.
Characters/Pairings: Ginny Weasly, Tom Riddle
Genre: G
Word Count: 220
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence
I'll carry your bones and heal your voice. Just let me borrow them for a while. )

form: poetry, creator: sickle_girl, *challenge, genre: angst, character: voldemort/tom riddle, character: ginny weasley, rating: g, character: alice longbottom, character: neville longbottom

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Comments 4

et_tu_lj March 5 2017, 22:25:36 UTC
Ouch, on both counts. These were great!


sickle_girl March 5 2017, 22:46:00 UTC

Thank you! 💕 I'll admit I almost tore up when I was writing the second one.


jalenstrix March 16 2017, 20:58:11 UTC
Utterly wrenching and gorgeous -- two snippets from the second one in particular caught at me:

why do you raise your arms
as if waiting for a hug
just to put them down
as if you were burying them

and why is your name made of sounds
I know
I think
I feel
I dream
I chose for a heart I carried in mine.

Just...haunting. You write this delirium-fog state so achingly well.


sickle_girl March 16 2017, 23:44:49 UTC
Thank you ♥. The second one got me teary! I don't know what it is about the Longbottoms that I can't let go.


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