Fic: no challenge: families of blood and water

Feb 19, 2017 21:29

Title: families of blood and water | AO3 |
Characters/Pairing: teddy lupin, delphini riddle, marcus flint
Rating: pg
Disclaimer:i own nothing
Word Count:1585
AN I just realised I had never posted this year. Oops. I wrote this for last year's nextgen fest. Spoilers for the Cursed Child
Summery: Teddy wants to travel the world and needs cash to do ( Read more... )

genre: angst, form: fic, character: teddy lupin, creator: ayebydan, character: marcus flint, *tumblr allowed, rating: r, *needs new tag

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Comments 2

mahmfic March 1 2017, 03:37:05 UTC
*mod mode*
What do you need a new tag for?


ayebydan March 1 2017, 21:41:36 UTC
delphini riddle please :)


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