Art Challenge #24

Jan 21, 2016 16:14

Title: Beyond Measure
Summary: Rowena Ravenclaw
Characters/Pairings: Rowena Ravenclaw
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Mixed
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: justcallmenoe

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creator: sickle_girl, form: art, character: rowena ravenclaw, form: mixed

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Comments 5

c_hrista January 21 2016, 19:24:09 UTC
I love this, especially the little smirk!


sickle_girl January 21 2016, 23:13:14 UTC
Thank you, Christa! I'm glad you noticed it! (I feared it would be lost once I cleared some sketch lines)


j_okay January 22 2016, 01:07:38 UTC
I love the smirk too-Rowena "Too Smart For Your Nonsense" Ravenclaw. XD


fizzbuzz January 21 2016, 20:14:22 UTC
This is great. Particularly love the diadem :)


sickle_girl January 21 2016, 23:16:25 UTC
Thank you Mindy <3! (don't mind me failing at replying the right comment haha) I tried to make it look a bit like the one in the movies. I'll always love the fact that it's shaped like an eagle.


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