Gift for Avi from Delphine!

Dec 19, 2015 23:21

To: Avi/flyingharmony
From: Delphine/nearlyconscious
Title: A socialite who wants to be alone
Summary: Narcissa enjoys a moment of piece and quiet in her favourite room of the Manor.
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa
Genre: gen
Beta: A. the cutie pie
Rating/Warnings: G, none
Medium: digital
A/N: Based on the following prompt ( Read more... )

form: art, *tumblr allowed, rating: g, !special term event, character: narcissa black-malfoy, creator: nearlyconscious, genre: gen

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Comments 2

flyingharmony December 22 2015, 05:00:58 UTC
Oh God, Delphine, this is so beyond gorgeous! <3333333 I am absolutely in love with everything about it - the wallpaper, the Turner, Narcissa's dress (OMG I WANT THAT), her hair, her expression, EVERYTHING! It's absolutely amaaaaaaazing and such a great, great gift - thank you so much for this! ♥


fizzbuzz December 30 2015, 19:42:43 UTC
This is beautiful, Delphine! Awesome job :D


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