Art (challenge #02 or #05): La Brassière rose (R)

Dec 14, 2015 01:58

Title: La Brassière rose
Summary: Portrait of Rose Weasley in a pink bra.
Characters/Pairings: Rose Weasley
Genre: nsfw (next)gen
Rating/Warnings: mild R for underwear/partial nudity/peaking nips
Medium: digital
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: no

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form: art, character: rose weasley, *challenge, creator: nearlyconscious, rating: r, genre: gen

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Comments 2

fizzbuzz December 31 2015, 00:07:47 UTC
I love this simple feminine look. She's a very voluptuous young lady! Very pretty :)


nearlyconscious December 31 2015, 11:10:02 UTC
Thank you! :) :)


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