Fic: No Challenge: Peter fic for partitioning

May 06, 2015 10:41

Title: Lies in Snapshots
Summary: Peter Pettigrew wants to feel useful and appreciated. He might have finally found his chance.
Characters/Pairings: James Potter/Peter Pettigrew (unrequited); Peter, the Marauders, some Death Eaters
Genre: good old fashioned Wormtail angst
Rating/Warnings: PG/this pairing might upset people
Medium: Fic
Word Count: ( Read more... )

character: remus lupin, genre: angst, creator: yaakov, character: sirius black, rating: pg, character: peter pettigrew, character: death eaters, character: james potter

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Comments 4

xonceinadream May 8 2015, 22:47:55 UTC
Oooooh. The ending was not what I expected but /wow/. This really hit me and it was really good. I loved the little scenes and honestly would've read a lot more of this. The pairing made a lot of sense in context as well.


j_okay May 9 2015, 14:38:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad to know that the pairing worked and descriptions, etc. were effective. :D

This was really supposed to be just a short vignette, and then the story started to grow of its own accord. I felt weird about the cut-off ending too, to be honest! Perhaps it'll be possible to continue the tale, now that I know it works. So, thanks!


monkiainen May 14 2015, 14:08:40 UTC
Oh poor Peter :( Unrequited love is the worst one there is. Peter wants so badly to feel useful he's missing the point of true friendship completely.


j_okay May 14 2015, 19:28:25 UTC
Peter wants so badly to feel useful he's missing the point of true friendship completely.

Very true! I'm glad this fic can elicit sympathy for Peter even after all the damage canon did to his character (justified or otherwise).

Thanks for reading! :)


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