Gift for stelladelnordxd from flipflop_diva

Apr 16, 2015 13:44

To: stelladelnordxd
From: flipflop_diva
Title: In Dreams They Speak
Summary: It wasn’t like Harry didn’t know what he should do. But knowing what you should do and actually doing it are two completely different things.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 1,596
Author’s Note: Thank you to my beautiful ( Read more... )

character: sirius black, !special term event, character: hermione granger, form: fic, character: ron weasley, creator: flipflop_diva, rating: pg-13, character: harry potter

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Comments 2

lotrangel17 April 27 2015, 17:01:03 UTC
Hey Kristine, I haven't heard from Jamie which was why I got you a pinch writer but once she comes back I'll make sure she gets to read your story. Thanks for writing :)


stelladelnordxd May 3 2015, 04:58:20 UTC
DSKJGHSDKFJHDSJKFLHDSKLFSAJKFGHNA. Kristine. This was literally just what I needed. Just what I needed, you don't even know. I'm crying, and they're tears of happiness for the first time in a month, so thank you so much bb ♥ (Also, the interaction between Sirius and Harry, even with dead!Sirius [don't ever make me write that again? Please?] was spot on and had me grinning!)

And, I *am* going to post what I was originally writing for you, before everything went to shit in my life. I'm glad you got a story from Evy, she's amazing, but I will post my fic for you...hopefully this month :D


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