Jan 13, 2015 22:47

Title: Serpensortia!
Summary: A sixth year Slytherin invents a new spell.
Characters/Pairings: Brutus Malfoy (ancestor of Draco, mentioned in canon); Matria Flitwick (Filius Flitwick's OC grandmother whom I'm using as 17th century Charms prof)
Genre: gen
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G (though I did take advantage of similarities between the ( Read more... )

rating: g, creator: mmailliw, character: original, genre: gen

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Comments 2

jalenstrix January 16 2015, 03:20:32 UTC
Hee, I totally adore the descriptions of coily hugs. Adore.


j_okay January 20 2015, 03:47:03 UTC
Haha! Fantastic. I like to think that the secret to many Slytherins' success are these coily hugs that make them feel they can conquer anything.


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