Gift Exchange Fic for Jenna

Dec 28, 2014 18:50

Title: Brotherly Bonding
Summary: Percy drops in on Charlie and they end up discussing his relationship.
Characters/Pairings: Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, background Percy/Oliver
Genre: fluff-ish
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: fic
Word Count: 857
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: csichick-2

Click to read more )

character: charlie weasley, !special term event, character: percy weasley, form: fic, genre: fluff, rating: pg, creator: csichick_2, *tumblr allowed

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Comments 2

j_okay December 29 2014, 17:17:52 UTC
Thank you csichick_2!

I like the idea that Charlie is a chill dude who enjoys his peaceful solitude. It's high time that I seek out other fic about him, but I'm very glad that Charlie-Percy brotherly bonding definitely exists in fic now. xD

Also, yay for Oliver/Percy! I love hearing how those two are totally obsessed with their work and yet their relationship works somehow. And yes, Percy Weasley is like that really annoying coworker who refuses to take time off, even when he has the plague.

EDIT: ALSO thanks a bunch for organizing this exchange and seeing it through!


csichick_2 January 2 2015, 19:43:04 UTC
I'm glad you like it!


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