3 FICS-NO CHALLENGE: As a light through your darkest unknown/We should be lovers instead/A Fejedelem

Nov 25, 2014 19:22

Title: As a light through your darkest unknown
Summary: Draco wishes that the Healer in question wasn’t Harry Potter, and that Harry Potter wasn’t sitting two feet from him, explaining that he has the wizarding version of the Muggle autoimmune disorder, AIDS.
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating/Warnings: rating: NC-17 / warnings: explicit ( Read more... )

character: draco malfoy, creator: nathalieweasley, genre: gen, form: fic, character: gellert grindelwald, character: lavender brown, creator: silver_storm222, rating: pg-13, character: albus dumbledore, character: parvati patil, rating: nc-17, character: harry potter

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Comments 1

sugarquillmod November 26 2014, 04:31:07 UTC
Hi Abigail - because this is the last week of the month, I won't be able to give you rollover for the points beyond 125.

Since I won't be entering things into the spreadsheet until the weekend, you can always edit this down to 125 points and then post the rest after midnight UTC Sunday night.


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