Fic: No Challenge: ye olde fic fest submission

Oct 07, 2014 09:31

Title: A Gold Coin and a Silver Badge (on AO3)
Summary: Anthony Goldstein's used to being different. His place as a wizard was never well-defined. As the wizarding world becomes more dangerous, he's forced either to find where he belongs or leave Hogwarts behind.
Characters/Pairings: Anthony Goldstein, other minor Ravenclaws, no pairings
Genre: ( Read more... )

creator: yaakov, character: michael corner, character: anthony goldstein, genre: gen, form: fic, rating: pg, *tumblr allowed, character: terry boot

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Comments 2

jalenstrix October 8 2014, 20:33:12 UTC
I love this look into Anthony Goldstein's background. First, the storytelling is lovely on its own, but then bringing in the Jewish background culture sings to my heart, and the bit about "corporeal manifestations of cognition"? So. Much. Love.


j_okay October 9 2014, 17:03:22 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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