Art (no challenge): Portrait of Lavender

Sep 14, 2014 22:23

Title: Portrait of Lavender
Summary: It's all in the title
Characters/Pairings: Lav-lav
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G, none
Medium: digital
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: nearlyconscious

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form: art, *tumblr allowed, character: lavender brown, rating: g, creator: nearlyconscious, genre: gen

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Comments 9

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nearlyconscious September 14 2014, 23:50:28 UTC
Thank you bby!! :3


evening12 September 14 2014, 22:43:51 UTC
Eepp! I adore this piece Dephine :D

I like the pink that you used. And the headband, I could so see Lavender wear it.


nearlyconscious September 14 2014, 23:53:11 UTC
Thank you Martine!

I do love that pink very much myself. And i imagine Lavender would be very girly girl / high femme, and unapologetically so.


interchanges September 15 2014, 02:06:31 UTC
This is great :D


nearlyconscious September 15 2014, 13:48:46 UTC
Thank you!!


csichick_2 September 29 2014, 14:24:18 UTC
You left "Name/House/Points earned" on your entry instead of actually putting your name and house. Don't worry, I know who you are though, so I don't need to wait until you fix that to get you on the spreadsheet.


nearlyconscious September 30 2014, 13:23:27 UTC
But. Lol. I'm so sorry. Going to correct this right now.


furrrret November 15 2014, 00:29:29 UTC
The halftone shading gives this a certain kind of pop, don't you feel? I like it a lot!


nearlyconscious November 15 2014, 12:36:05 UTC
Thank you very much! Yes, I do think that + the combo of colours make it pop in a way that suits Lavender well :) It was fun to do. Glad you like it!


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