Art (challenge #100): These Muggle clothes are fine.

May 16, 2014 18:11

Title: These Muggle clothes are fine.
Summary: Lavender likes dancing. Wizarding parties are not to her taste, so she decides to try going to a Muggle one!
(Challenge #100 was "Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur...." AND/OR "baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps..." - Flo Rida
Characters/Pairings: Lavender Brown
Genre: gen
Rating/ ( Read more... )

form: art, *challenge, *tumblr allowed, character: lavender brown, rating: g, creator: nearlyconscious, genre: gen

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Comments 4

prongsy May 17 2014, 01:10:28 UTC
Hahahahahahahahaha, it lives on, gloriously! YUSS! \0/// Awesome art!!


nearlyconscious May 18 2014, 17:48:35 UTC
Glorious is the right word for this booty imho :D
This is now one of my officials headcanons for Lavender tbh ^^
Thank you!


necok May 18 2014, 15:40:11 UTC
it's so... so... surprisingly!


nearlyconscious May 18 2014, 17:49:04 UTC
Haha, well, I found the prompt surprising, but this was actually my very first idea! :)


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