Art (specific challenge #02): I'm never letting you pick my clothes for me again, Parkinson.

Dec 30, 2013 23:04

Title: I'm never letting you pick my clothes for me again, Parkinson.
Summary: Millicent doesn't know what went through her mind when she agreed to Pansy's request.
Characters/Pairings: Millicent
Genre: gen, humour
Rating/Warnings: PG I guess
Medium: digital
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure, plz tag with my username

Click for the grumbly Slytherin )

*challenge, genre: humor, creator: nearlyconscious, genre: gen, form: art, rating: pg, character: millicent bulstrode, *tumblr allowed

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Comments 12

evening12 December 30 2013, 22:06:04 UTC
hahahaha. I love this. I love how Millicent is tugging at the dress like "wtf. why is it so short? why is it so thin?" kind of way. Like it doesn't matter that is suits her, Millicent is just like no thank you.


nearlyconscious December 30 2013, 22:26:15 UTC
Heheheeee that's exactly it ^^ Millicent is just like "NOPE take back your femme outfit, I'll stick to my butch robes tyvm", even though she looks amazing :D Just doesn't feel like her.


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nearlyconscious December 30 2013, 22:27:20 UTC
IKR? I adore this hairdo ever since I saw it on Skin Diamond. Then Rihanna adopted it and it became super popular and I was like SQUEEEEEEE. It's such a lovely look. And I just always imagined Millicent like that, idk.


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nearlyconscious December 31 2013, 03:01:09 UTC


superficiality December 30 2013, 22:14:49 UTC
I love everything about this! <3


nearlyconscious December 30 2013, 22:27:39 UTC
Thank you! :) I'm glad you do :3


gamma_x_orionis December 30 2013, 22:31:22 UTC
BAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE IT. I love Millicent's "what the actual fuck" look (also I really like the way you draw her hair). I totally feel her discomfort too because just looking at a dress that short makes me shudder a bit. *clings to ankle-length dresses* It sure does flatter her boobs though ^_~


evening12 December 30 2013, 22:47:26 UTC
hahaha. I had the opposite reaction. My reaction was "please give me this dress".


gamma_x_orionis December 30 2013, 22:52:15 UTC
Well, it would look cute on you ^^ I need my dresses to come down at least to my knees.


evening12 December 30 2013, 23:01:15 UTC
Right you are taller than me. Ankle length dresses make me disappear lol My legs aren't long enough or my body is general.

And thanks!


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