Art (no challenge) : Portrait of Millicent

Nov 03, 2013 00:05

Title: Portrait of Millicent
Summary: It's all in the title
Characters/Pairings: Millicent Bulstrode
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G, none
Medium: digital
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure

Click for the shineys )

*tumblr allowed, character: millicent bulstrode, rating: g, creator: nearlyconscious, form: sketch, genre: gen

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Comments 2

evening12 November 8 2013, 00:22:43 UTC
Are you working on creating portraits of all of the Slytherins?


nearlyconscious November 8 2013, 15:20:42 UTC
Not really ; I drew this real quick in order to max out, hehe. I could, I guess, but I don't have much of a headcanon for some of them (like, idk, Adrian Pucey, or even Marcus Flint... never drew them). Could be an interesting challenge!


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