Art (no challenge) : young Voldy

Sep 26, 2012 03:12

(I'm sorry for those of you who see this twice!)

Title: Young Riddle
Summary: Tom Riddle is young, gorgeous and determined to meet someone whose identity remains unrevealed.
Characters/Pairings: Tom Riddle / Lord Voldemort
Genre: ?? gen
Rating/Warnings: none
Medium: digital

Click for Christian Coulson's pretty face )

character: voldemort/tom riddle, rating: g, creator: nearlyconscious, form: sketch, genre: gen

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Comments 6

slumber September 26 2012, 02:50:03 UTC
He's so handsome! I can see how he managed to charm everyone he did. :D


nearlyconscious September 26 2012, 09:43:17 UTC
Hehe, I agree ^_^ Christian Coulson was such a perfect casting choice.


abcdefghijkatie September 26 2012, 03:24:54 UTC
nearlyconscious September 26 2012, 09:42:53 UTC
Oh yes, there's definitely something similar in the hair!


anbyrobanby September 26 2012, 12:48:30 UTC
Wow, these are great- and totes should be worth more than 5 points, methinks! :)


nearlyconscious September 26 2012, 13:19:01 UTC
Thank you!! Well, I really got help from pictures, and it's a sketch, really, isn't it? Idk do you think this qualifies as an elaborate sketch? Sigh I hadn't thought about it that much, but maybe you're right.


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