Rules and Game Play
Rules and Game Play of Quidditch
Your application to join your House's team will not be considered complete until after you have commented here, to show that you have read and understand. Please do ask ANY questions; things that make sense to me may actually require much more elaboration. :)
Community Membership
Only people who hold positions on their House team will be granted membership in this community. Anyone can comment to any public post. However, comments made by non-members will be screened initially and unscreened when it's confirmed that they will not interfere in normal operation of the community. (An example of interfering comments are ones by non-players made in a game post.) Comments are meant for questions and for applications, primarily.
You are welcome to friend the community, without applying for membership, if you would like to follow our doings but are not on a House team.
3-17 standing players per House
Per Team:
1 Seeker - Does a scavenger hunt
1 Keeper - Asks a final(scoring) trivia question
2 Beaters - Asks one or two trivia questions prior to the goal question. (if 2 beaters are playing on a team they will each ask ONE question)
3 Chasers - Take alternating turns answering trivia questions. Possession of the "Quaffle" is kept when the Beater's questions are answered correctly; goals are scored when the Keeper's question is answered correctly.
- Gameplay can continue normally with 1 or 2 chasers.
1 Referee per match - This person will sign up to the sign up post saying they can attend the match. This person will NOT be a member of either house that is playing that match. This person will assist the coach in question disputes and Seeker Search validating. They will earn 20points/5knuts per match they assist in.
When a team as no Beaters, the Keeper will ask the Beater questions. When a team as no Keeper, the Beaters will ask the final question. When both teams have enough available players for it to be possible, two Beaters may be assigned to play, and each Beater will ask one question prior to the Keeper question.
A House may put alternates (10 spots) on the team to play when their House's usual player is unavailable.
There are six regular games per term and one championship game.
At the start of term a poll of generally available days and times will go up. After a reasonable amount of time has passed a schedule will be posted. The most popular times and days will be combined to form the schedule, giving weight to individual poll answers. (as in more Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were available this time so this is when the Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor match will be)
Approximately two weeks before the match a post will go up and those available for that match will comment to the post; comments will be screened. They tell me their house, preferred position and at least one alternate position. This is their reservation and commitment to attend the match.
The match roster post goes up as soon as full teams are available (or playable teams). Game play can continue with as few as 3 people per team (1 Seeker, 1 Beater/keeper and 1 chaser); This isn't ideal, and is a no-other-choice option. We aim for at least six players per team. Teams may continue to fill vacant positions up to 36 hours before the game's start time.
a. The coach will provide the Seekers with the scavenger hunt, and asks ALL Chasers a tossup question. Any Chaser is allowed to answer, and whichever team answers first (and correctly) earns possession of the Quaffle. This is in the Game Post; answers go into comments.
b. Beaters asks 2 questions or one question each, Keeper asks one. Beater questions are worth 6 points, Keeper questions are worth 18. Beaters ask their first question in a NEW comment. Chasers alternate in answering questions (in the same thread). If only two Chasers are available, the Chaser who answers the 1st Beater question should also answer the Keeper question. Beaters and Keepers are responsible for responding with whether the answer is correct or not so the game can continue.
Questions Must be authorized by the coach (ie,
heartlessbladez currently). Keepers and Beaters are granted access to a master list of questions in
quidditchques at least 36 hours before the start of the game. The Beater and Keeper are NOT allowed to rephrase the questions unless rephrasing is pre-approved by the coach more than 24 hours prior to the start of the game.
Keepers and Beaters may make their own questions, but they must be submitted to the Coach via email (heartlessbladez @ and approved before being used in game play. They are not approved until the Coach replies to your email stating which questions have been approved for use.
Keepers need 20 questions at the start of the game; Beaters need a total of 60 questions, or 30 questions each.
c. Chasers have 4 minutes to answer; Beaters and the Keeper have 2 minutes to post a new question (if the previous answer was correct).
d. Coach declares a switch in possession of the Quaffle, and the process continues for the other time. Repeat until Snitch is caught or two hours have passed, whichever is first.
e. Once the Seeker RETURNS with a fully-answered hunt and posts it as a new comment, game play CONTINUES. They may have questions wrong, and the other Seeker may return with all correct answers before there's time to correct it. SO CONTINUE GAME PLAY while the coach checks the answers. If all answers are correct, the game is called by the coach and points are tallied! The Snitch is worth 90 points.
f. Game play may not exceed 2 hours, at the discretion of the Coach (it can go either way here depending on start time, but you'll be warned in advance of the game ending). At this point, the Seeker with the most correct answer earns their team 90 points, and the points already earned are tallied up to produce a game-winner. Matches WILL start on time!
* Game points and Participation points are separate.
* Game Points
Beater questions = 6; Keeper questions = 18; Snitch =90; Scoring = 10pts per score
* Participation Points
15 points/player. These are distributed to each House; they do not affect Game Points, and therefore have no influence on who wins/loses.
* Bonus/Penalties
Bonus points are given at the discretion of the coach; penalties continue to be taken only from that player's House.
- Bonus points for a particularly awesome Puff only go to Hufflepuff.
- A cheating Ravenclaw loses points only for Ravenclaw.
Lateness - 30 points
If someone has committed to play in a game and been assigned a position, but can no longer attend, they must notify the Coach 36 hours in advance of the game start time, so that attempts to find a substitute from their house can be made. If they do not notify 36 hours in advance they will lose their house 30 points.
This is to encourage players to honor their commitment to attend the games.
A player arriving late, but still within the first 30 minutes of gameplay will be allowed in at an appropriate break (eg: when Quaffle switches possession) without the points penalty. After the first 30 minutes have past, the penalty will be applied.
If a player does not show for 2 consecutive matches they will be warned, If they miss another match (without informing the coach prior to match time) they will be removed from their house team. They must wait till the next term to reapply.
Time Limits in Game Play
Chasers have 4 minutes to answer questions. 'Possession' will switch to the other team after that time. For example, Team A's Chaser not answering in time results in Team A's Beaters having to ask questions; Team A's Chaser will lose the chance to score a goal. If Chasers are answering in a specified order within their team, they may break order to prevent going overtime.
Beaters and Keepers have 2 minutes to ask their question, after possession changes and after the answer to the previous question is declared as correct/incorrect. If a team's Beaters and/or Keeper ask after that time has passed, possession will not switch. However, their team will lose 5 points.
Beaters and Keepers who do not respond to answers with "Correct/incorrect" within 1 minute of the answer being posted will lose 5 points for their team. The Coach may respond with the "correct/incorrect" in such a case, after which game play should continue as normal with the next question being posted within 2 minutes.
Unauthorized Questions
Using an unauthorized question as a Beater or Keeper will lose your team the amount of points the question is worth. e.g., an unauthorized Beater question given by a Hufflepuff Beater will lose their team 6 points; an unauthorized Keeper question would lose their team 18 points.
If a question is declared unauthorized, the Beater/Keeper who asked it must ask another, authorized question within 2 minutes of the declaration. If they fail to do so, points will be awarded to the team who was asked the unauthorized question and the Quaffle will remain in their possession.
Problems with Questions
If at any time there is a problem with a question the coach will call "time" to sort out the problem. If the coach determines that the resolution will take up too much time then they can play on the game and settle the problem after the snitch has been caught. It is also at the coaches discretion how the problem is resolved.
Each team must have three members to play. If less than three players arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time, the game is forfeited to the other team. The forfeiting team will earn no points; the other team will earn 100 points, provided they did have at least three players arrive.
Points lost for cheating are relative to the severity of the offense and how much it negatively impacted the other team. Cheating can take many forms, such as:
* Beaters/Keepers communicating questions and/or answers to the Chasers, either before or during game play
* Declaring a question wrong when it is actually correct
* Offering help to a Seeker
* A Seeker who seeks help, accepts an offer of help, or does not inform the coach if they receive an offer of help
* Chasers may communicate through instant messaging with their own team's Chasers during game play, under certain circumstances. All Chasers of both teams must be able to IM with their Chaser-teammates (ie: All Team A Chasers and all Team B Chasers may chat during the game ONLY when all of them are able). Indicate your willingness to IM, as well as any and all programs you're willing to use, when replying to the position-reserve post. A decision on whether or not IM is allowed among Chasers for that particular game will be decided then.
* Other offenses to be added here as needed, with a notification of the change posted to
hh_quidditch Any player may, and should, raise the alarm about cheating by posting a new comment to the main game post. The coach will look into immediately, and may suspend game play temporary, in order to look into it, if it's believed that the situation warrants it. Please keep such comments civil, as it is always possible that the cheating is a result of a mistake or misunderstanding. Frequent unverified accusations may be considered cheating as well, as it could become a disruption to game play. Do not misuse your right to keep the game fair.
Frequently repeating cheaters may be removed from their House team at the Coach's discretion, provided a full account of the offenses is kept and provided to the player in question.
Extra Points:
We can earn extra house points for owning items from
hh_diagon. We earn 5pts for quidditch robes (of your house of course), 5pts for balls (which would be 1 quaffle, 1 bludger, and 1 snitch) and then the broom points range from 1pts to 5pts depending on which broom you get. (basically how much it costs.. ex. the firebolt is 5pts because it's the most expensive).
Also here is a sample thread from an actual match. Click the picture to make it bigger.
Any questions can be asked here. All you need to comment here saying is that you've read the rules and understand them.. Please comment to the application post with your applications! Thanks.
Updated: January 5, 2009