Houses of Hogwarts Fest FIC: Not Identical (G)

Aug 13, 2014 10:00

Title: Not Identical
Author/Artist: interchanges
House Category: Ravenclaw
Summary: After being sorted into Ravenclaw, Padma Patil adjusts to life without her sister by her side.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Sue Li, Lisa Turpin, Mandy Brocklehurst
Genre: Gen
Beta: none
Rating: G
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Can we link from Tumblr?: no

Padma Patil sat across from her sister Parvati on their first journey to Hogwarts. "So have you thought about what house you'll be sorted into?" Parvati asked Padma.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Do you think the sorting hat will put us together?" Padma replied.

"I don't know! Okay so how about on three we both say which house we want to be in," Parvati suggested. Padma nodded.

"One. Two. Three."

"Gryffindor." "Ravenclaw."

Parvati looked at her sister in surprise. "Ravenclaw?" she wrinkled her nose. "Why do you want to be in Dad's house?"

"It's not related to dad, I just identify with their values," Padma explained.

Parvati giggled. "I guess that's true, you with your nose always in a book."

"I think there's a bit more to it than that, but yes," Padma agreed.

"But I think you'd have more fun in Gryffindor. I mean, you can't study all the time," Parvati said, leaning into her sister.

"I guess we'll have to see what the sorting hat says."

A little while later, the Patil sisters waited together in line nervously. As Pansy Parkinson went for her sorting before them, Padma squeezed her sister's hand, then leaned in and whispered in her ear. "No matter where we end up, I'll love you either way."

Parvati squeezed back, as Padma's name was called. "I know. Love you too," she whispered, as Padma walked away.

After being sorted into Ravenclaw, Padma looked over at Parvati before heading over to the Ravenclaw table.

"Will your sister be joining us too?" one of the Ravenclaw students asked Padma as she sat down.

"I... don't know," she admitted. And at that, the Sorting Hat said, "Gryffindor!"

Another Ravenclaw student turned to Padma. "I'm surprised, you two look identical so I thought we'd get you both!"

"Well we're not-" Padma started to explain, but was cut off as everyone turned their attention to Harry Potter's sorting.

Luckily after that Parvati's sorting was forgotten and as the feast started, the older Ravenclaws talked about having Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Padma was glad- she didn't want to talk about her sister, she wanted to get to know her new housemates.

Unfortunately as her new housemates were getting to know her, the topic came up again in the Ravenclaw girls' dormitory that night. "So Padma, what's going on with you and your sister?" Lisa Turpin asked.

"What do you mean?" Padma asked.

"She means why aren't you both in the same house?" Mandy Brocklehurst joined in.

"Well just because we look alike doesn't mean we are alike," Padma explained.

"Well I wasn't trying to imply that, but I just thought that being so close might mean you have similar values," Lisa replied.

"I mean, we do, it's just that we're a little different is all."

"Did you think you'd be sorted differently?" Sue Li spoke up.

"Well we talked about it earlier. I think we both suspected it before that, though." Padma answered.

"This doesn't mean you're going to be more sympathetic to Gryffindor does it?" Mandy asked.

Padma was starting to get annoyed. "No, of course not. I love being in Ravenclaw!"

"Good. Because I suspect Gryffindor may get more attention than they deserve with that Potter kid there," Lisa said.

"Anyway, we should probably be getting ready for bed," Padma said, trying to change the subject.

"Padma's right, tomorrow's going to be a long day," Sue agreed.

As Padma tried to fall asleep that night, she realized it was the first night of her life that she wasn't falling asleep in the same room as her sister.

The next morning at breakfast, the students received their class schedules. Padma looked to see if she'd be sharing a class with her sister, but was disappointed to find she only shared classes with the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. Sighing, she put the schedule away and headed over to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey," she said, as she tapped her sister from behind. Her sister looked up from her conversation with Lavender Brown.

"Oh hi," Parvati said.

"Sleep well?" Padma asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah." They both shared a look and Padma knew Parvati had had the same thought as her last night. "Well I just got my schedule and saw we don't have class together, so I just wanted to wish you luck today."

"Oh, that's too bad. Good luck to you too!" And with that, Parvati turned back to Lavender. Padma stood there awkwardly for a second, before heading back to her dormitory to get ready for her first class.

That night after dinner, Padma caught sight of Parvati leaving with her new friend. Even though she knew it wasn't true, she couldn't help thinking Parvati had a new 'Padma' in her life. It was true that Parvati and Padma's lives didn't intersect during the day, but that didn't mean they couldn't spend their free time together, right? They could be in different houses but still be close, surely? As Padma walked back to the Ravenclaw common room, she worried that her and Parvati's relationship would fall apart in their time at Hogwarts.

The next morning, Padma received a letter from her father at breakfast. In addition to congratulating her on being sorted Ravenclaw and how proud he was, there was a note about Parvati.

It's a shame you two aren't in the same house, but I thought this might happen. Don't worry though, Padma. Take this time to figure out who you are, without Parvati around. I worry sometimes that she speaks over you and drowns you out. Let this be your chance to shine on your own.

Padma read her dad's note again, and as the words sunk in, she reminded herself that she and Parvati weren't identical. And it was time to show everyone just how much of a Ravenclaw she really was.

Chelsea/Ravenclaw/33 points

character: mandy brocklehurst, rating: g, !special term event, character: su li, character: lisa turpin, creator: interchanges, genre: gen, character: padma patil, character: parvati patil

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