Title: Descent
Summary: A snapshot of the fall of Quirinus Quirrell, told from his perspective.
Characters/Pairings: Quirinus Quirrell, Voldemort
Genre: Angst, Horror
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, for darker themes
Word Count: 196
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thank you.
I know I am falling into the abyss, dissolving away. His words were so tempting - offering me my heart’s desire. Serpent words. (How could it have been anything else from him? But oh, how I wanted what he offered. And I didn’t think I cared about the price. I was so naive, so utterly stupid. I shame my house.)
Give in. The words are viscous, choking. They clamp around my wayward thoughts. Your will is my will now. You will do as I command.
No, please…not this. My words are feeble, as I have always been. This is not what I wanted.
His laughter is like cold oil. I know. But it is exactly what I promised, little squirrel.
The pain is excruciating in the back of my head, and the horror of possession fills me. I shiver as I feel the flesh twist and stretch in a vicious smile that I have no control over. The last of my resistance is withering as his presence snakes through me, malevolent and inexorable, a whirling fury of power even in this weakened state.
The word scuttles from my numbed lips, tasting of iron and ashes. Master.