Drabble (challenge #120, February prompts): Ministry Cubicle Jobs

Feb 07, 2014 20:30

Title: Native Proficiency
Summary: A snapshot of one Ministry cubicle job encounter.
Characters/Pairings: Mary Cattermole
Genre: General.
Beta: None.
Medium: Prose (drabble)
Rating/Warnings: G/None.
Word Count: 100
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thank you.

Mary Cattermole closed her eyes, pressing her palms to her forehead. They had told her apprenticing with the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee would give her an excellent foothold into the Ministry, and with her muggle-born cultural knowledge, why, she was just what they needed.

Boy, did they ever.

She quietly approached her mentor. “Sir? I don't think this will work for explaining the broomstick joyriding incidents. UFOs are not a typical explanation to the average muggle.”

“What? They're clearly unidentified flying objects for muggles.”

“Yes, I know. But trust me -- try something more along the lines of unannounced weather balloons.”

Jalen/Ravenclaw/8 points

*challenge, form: drabble, creator: jalenstrix, rating: g, genre: gen

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