Gift Exchange for William!

Dec 22, 2011 11:41

Title: More Than Roses and Romance
Summary: Rodolphus had always learned if you wanted something you had to work for it
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Rodolphus, Voldemort
Genre: Romance (ish)
Rating/Warnings: PG 13. Implied adult themes
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 3290
Author's Notes: Exchange fic for mmailliw. Hope you enjoy

There is always something there. No matter what there is always that snitch in the distance, that far away dream that you always strive for. Some leave it as a dream. Some are content to wish away their days on hopeless desires with no forward motion or any way to stretch out and grasp it.

That was never Rodolphus Lestrange.

If Rodolphus Lestrange wanted something he got it.

At a young age, he had never been born into complacency. Of course, the Lestranges were a wealthy family and material goods were never something Rodolphus ever had to want for. If he wanted new robes or a new toy, it would be given to him without a word. His mother was always the person who aided him in such desires.

His mother at least.

His father, Reginald Lestrange, had a very different idea about how his boys should be raised, especially Rodolphus, his heir. No, he was not a believer in merely flinging at them whatever they desired, if they were girls perhaps. No, he thought his boys needed the ability to reach for things themselves. Then, if they could not reach it themselves, then they did not deserve it in the first place.

As he grew, such messages and notions characterised Rodolphus’ thoughts and desires. If he wanted the latest racing broom, he had best perform wonderfully for his tutor or else please his father by the way he acted at a ball with the elite of pureblood society. It was a wise way to raise children, at least if it only applied to material possessions .

This was not the case.

When Rodolphus and Rabastan were born, Georgiana Lestrange had first attempted to bestow every form of attention and love on her children. Reginald soon stopped that. No, he had said, that would result in weak boys and such words would never describe his sons. She had backed off a little.

Reginald had never grown close with his sons in the first place. If his sons wanted his attention, they would have to earn it, so young Rodolphus worked hard. He pleased all the ladies at a gala so all were gushing about what a perfect little young man he was and then he managed to memorise an entire 8 generations of Lestrange genealogy. By the end, he had earned a pat on the head from his father and the gift of sitting on his lap as he listened intently to an ancient tale of Muggle slaying.

For that moment Rodolphus had succeeded. It was from then on that he learned that for everything he wanted, he had to earn it.

--- --- ---

As a young boy entering Hogwarts, Rodolphus had never doubted these lessons, in fact, Hogwarts only seemed to hardened those ideas. He soon learned that being intelligent and talented in classes gave him rewards and accolades. His parents were pleased and so were his teachers. Intelligence was not necessarily appreciated by his peers but other things were.
He could be polite, charming and friendly, even if such feelings were not genuine. Of course, he did not bother on most, only those who were important. Over time his friendly mannerisms even started to become real, for some.

Most of all, over time, he started to become very fond of the girl who was then Bellatrix Black.

Once upon a time, Bella was just another person in their group who he was particularly close to. Despite being a girl, she was witty, intelligent, charming and a blood status that almost put the rest to shame. She was a little too forward and sometimes a little too foolish, but the brash plans she came up with amused Rodolphus and sometimes he even followed along

To the then eleven year old, she was still only a girl so he could never get too friendly. However, after only a few years, her gender became a positive and not a curse.

By fourteen, with hormones surging through his veins, he had a very different opinion of Bella. She was still witting, charming, intelligent but she was also gorgeous. He was one of the many who had a great deal of difficulty not ogling the girl. Not only was there the attractive face, but there was the much more appealing way her chest started to fill out her robes and the glances he could shoot at her long shapely legs, especially in the summer months when there was less material to cover them.

By forth year, Rodolphus was only one of the manner admirers who had set his sights on her, though he refused to be an ineffective tag along. No, the lessons of his father stuck with him: If he wanted something he would have to earn it and Merlin he wanted Bellatrix Black.
He had done anything he could think of. He even assisted in schemes to bully and persecute mudbloods that, while they had a good intention, they were too brash and foolish for his taste. However, he did. Somehow it was surprisingly easy too when she smiled and leaned forward just enough so that his eyes always could gaze down at her cleavage. The only thing worse than feeling like a puppy was attempting to hide what would always be the growing tightness in his pants.

Though, in all his attempts of going against himself and his attempts to impress the then young woman, Rodolphus Lestrange was left sidelined. Bella never showed him anything more than a few flirtatious gestured and he was left grumpy and irritated feeling more and more like a fool. It was out of character, yet, over the years, he would soon learn that Bella had the ability to make him act less and less like himself.

For all the lessons he had been taught about rewards and desires, they all seemed to mean nothing.

Instead he had tried to hide the need to impress and get on with his life.

It was quite a surprise to discover that was the correct tactic.

It was after the final of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw Quidditch Final where Slytherin had been victorious. A beater on the team since the previous year, Rodolphus was rather proud of some of the hits he had landed on opposition players, especially one that had sent the Ravenclaw Keeper, Christopher Wood, to the Hospital Wing with a severe concussion.

Smug and satisfied, Rodolphus strode along the path back to the castle with the promise of a party to celebrate, until he felt a small tug on his robes. He turned to find Bella looking up at him.

“Dolphus,” Bella said in greeting, her voice slightly husky as she grinned up at him. Her dark eyes were brighter than usual and were fixed straight onto his light blue eyes. She tugged his robes again and he took a step closer unsure about why he found that action completely sexy. “Follow me.”

Many times in his life, Rodolphus had refused to follow the orders of others, though somehow he complied with her. She dropped the hold on his robes and ventured away from the group and to the back of the Quidditch stands. She was not holding him, but somehow he followed, perhaps it was because of the view of her arse he had when they walked to their destination.

“What do you want, Bella?” he asked curiously and surprisingly not in irritation as they stopped in the shadows of the stands. There was no one near them. They could only see the figures of people way off into the distance near the castle. Suddenly he was quite aware that they were alone. Something that was even more apparent when she took a step closer to him.

“I just wanted to congratulate you on the match,” she murmured silkily as she stepped even closer and wrapping her hands around the front of his Quidditch Robes. His breath hitched and his eyes focused on her. Unlike most other girls, she was only an inch shorter though that hardly mattered now. He was about to open his mouth to reply, but found it difficult as she continued. “Alone.”

His eyes widened before he attempted to restore his composure. He at least managed to stop himself grinning like a buffoon, yet that was all.

“Now why would you want to do that?” he managed to say in a way he thought was impressive enough. In reality, she did not care. She only smirked up at him flirtatiously.

“Because there was something about what you did to Wood that made me think you deserved something.” Leaning forward, before he could react, she pressed her mouth against his.
He might have been surprised, but in no way was Rodolphus not ready to act. It was his first kiss so in reality he was not sure what he was doing except to just move his lips against hers. It was a little clumsy though he followed her movements as she seemed to have a better idea about what to do. Either way it did not stop the pleasant sensations shooting through his body.

It only lasted a couple of minutes though when Bellatrix stepped away they were both grinning broadly. However, before he could stop her, Bella had turned on her heels and was walking away.

“See you at the party, Dolphus.” Waving back to him as she strode off.

Only slightly unsure if he had done something wrong he was still smirking to himself.

That was success.

Now all he needed to do was to see her at the party. He wanted a hell of a lot more than a kiss from her.

--- --- ---

In the eight years since the kiss, Rodolphus had gotten his wish many many times over. Certainly the space between her legs was no mystery to him, but it never stopped his fascination with her. It had not been smooth sailing. It was anything but. There had been lurches and explosions, tensions, screams and bruises (more over his body than hers), yet, by the age of twenty two, somehow they had remained together. Sometimes he was not sure how, but it did not mean he did not like it.

There was one more fact he was proud of: The ring on her finger. Large, elegant and more expensive than most people’s homes, he thought the diamond engagement ring never looked better than when it was on her lovely finger.

It would be foolish to think that he could ever make too much of a claim over her: Bella was a powerful and independent woman two factors he adored about her. She would never be owned by anyone. However, he liked the fact that anyone who saw that stone of her finger would think she was his. It did not matter if it was true. He just liked when others thought that.
However, this time it was something different. Not about rings, roses or romance, but something greater than all of that.

He had never voiced his desires vocally, though he assumed she had known. One evening when he had been in the process of stripping her robes from her flawless body, his eyes had been caught by a inky black mark on her forearm. He had seen the design it in the Prophet and he was about to ask her about it, but she was already undoing his pants and slipping his hand over his crutch. Despite his interest in the Mark, the feeling of her hand provided a hell of a lot more interesting and the conversation and never developed.

Of course, he had seen it many many times after that fact. Often as they lay in bed, he could not help but stare at the Mark, though it still remained a point of no discussion. He was not at all sure how to start the conversation. Bella was no help. She had only ever caught his longing and intrigued looks before she always hid the Mark under the sheets.

In fact, it was only a long time after, when they were both tangled up in sheets and each other’s arms when Rodolphus was rather smug to report he had made her come three times already that night, that she had ever voiced the issue of the Mark.

“I have mentioned you to Him.” She broke the silence with a heavy voice, flushed face glued to him as she rested her elbows on his chest and faced him. “He is actually eager to see you.”

“Who?” he asked, his face sweaty and perplexed as he looked down at the woman he held tightly to himself.

“The Dark Lord,” she replied with a smirk and a look that made it quite clear she thought him a fool for asking. Adjusting herself in his arms, she tilted her left arm so he could see the Mark burned into her flesh. “He wants to see you. He wants you to join Him. You will wont you, Dolphus?”

He had agreed whole heatedly and enthusiastically that night. Rather smug and cheerful that he had impressed Bella enough to make her lobby the Dark Lord on behalf of himself.

--- --- ---

A few days later, he was still enthusiastic and prepared. He was dressed in crisp black robes with a heavy hood and cloak, just as Bell had requested. She had donned the same outfit and stood beside him in a glowing silver mask with robes that even managed to disguise her well pronounced curves.

This was it. He knew that for certain as he stood beside her, attempting to keep cool, calm and collected. This was worth more than anything that had happened. He was not even sure if the ring on Bella’s finger meant as much.

Finally, the stifling silence was broken by the barely audible rustle of robes and footsteps behind them. He felt Bella collapse to her knees beside him and he swiftly copied her action based purely on instinct. Lowering his eyes to the floor, he heard the soft footsteps draw closer. With his gaze directed to the floor, he saw silk black robes trailing to the dark floorboards.

“So, this is the man you present to me, Bella?” A cool, curt voice said commandingly above him. Rodolphus was automatically struck by it. It sounded almost normal, but it also made a surge go through his body. There was such power and authority in the voice that struck even Rodolphus. It seemed to fit the picture he had developed of this man in his mind. “Your fiancé? Rodolphus Lestrange, correct?”

Despite hearing his name, Rodolphus did not move his gaze from the floor. He never would allow himself to bow before anyone, but he knew who this man was: What he was capable of what he could and would do for this world. As such, the man was the only one (possibly other than his father) who deserved his subservience.

“Yes, Master,” Bellatrix replied to his right. Her usual demanding tone had completely disappeared. In its place was a worshipful hint and absolute obedience that he could hardly believe could be attributed to her. Before he could stop himself, his eyes flicked to her. Unlike him, she had not lowered her eyes, but was staring straight up at the Dark Lord her face awe struck and her eyes wide.

There was silence for a moment before he heard footsteps move closer and he watched those shoes until they were only a few inches away.

“Look at me,” The Dark Lord said simply. Rodolphus did not hesitate before he darted his eyes up to face the man.

He did not at all look like how he imagined. He had asked Bella once about his appearance, though all she had told him was that he was magnificent and greater than any mere man. He understood that now. He could see outline of what must have been well pronounced aristocratic features, but they were all covered by a seemingly waxy texture that coated every inch of exposed skin. However, his gaze was directed to the eyes. They seemed to have once been a dark almost black blue, but now they were almost completely blood shot with a strange red rim around the irises.

“Stand”, commanded the Dark Lord and, again, Rodolphus complied. Slowly he found his feet, even if he felt strange to stand almost like his equal in the Dark Lord’s presence and to leave Bella still kneeling on the ground. Despite the fact he was clearly the bulkier man, he was surprised to find himself a few inches shorter than the Dark Lord. Being a tall man himself, that did not happen often.

While Rodolphus was performing his own examination, so was the Dark Lord. He did not stay still, but slowly walked around him like a lion considering its prey. He walked close so that when he moved in between the gap between himself and Bella, the Dark Lord had to nudge Bella to crawl away on her knees so he could get through. Finishing his observation, he moved to stand once again in front of him. Unsure if he should or not, Rodolphus lowered his eyes in respect once again.

“Assuming all you say about your fiancé is correct, Bella, we may now have another useful addition in our ranks.” Despite himself Rodolphus felt joy leak into his system. He had expected the examination to last longer, but it seemed the Dark Lord had already made up his decision. He vaguely wondered what Bella had told him. “Extend your arm.”

Like when he had been asked to stand, he moved to swiftly to comply, bunching his sleeve and pulling it to reveal the pale flesh. He had already seen the mark on Bella’s arm so he was not unaware of what was to happen. It was enough for the Dark Lord who stepped forward and placed the tip of his pale wand to his forearm. Before Rodolphus could even think, he felt what seemed like fire surge over his arm. He half fell to the ground held up only by his arm as he groaned in pain. It lasted maybe only thirty seconds, but it felt like so much longer so by the time he opened his eyes from the position where he had collapsed onto the ground his breath was heavy and his face flushed.

“Welcome to the ranks, Rodolphus.” He heard the Dark Lord say and he again looked up at him through watery eyes. “Do not disappoint me.”

“No, Master,” he replied swiftly and obediently with a strangely croaky voice. “Never.”

His Master’s lips curled into something resembling a smirk as both he and Bella were dismissed. It was hard to walk with pain that still felt like fire shooting through his body, but he managed to stumble until he was out the door. Then he felt Bella sling his arm over her petite shoulder.

“You did wonderfully,” she murmured turning to face him, her own face glowing and eyes bright. Her voice is so soft and gentle he was surprised to hear it from her. “So wonderfully, Rod.”

She was the one to lean forward and to kiss him. The embrace was uncharacteristically tender as he managed to find an angle to stand upright and hold her close. He was not sure if the Dark Lord was going to walk out at any moment all he knew was that his own heart was surging and when she pulled away, despite the pain in his arm he was grinning broadly. This was how it should be. He Bella and now with the Mark.

This was success.


creator: bellariddle, character: voldemort/tom riddle, !special term event, rating: pg-13, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: rodolphus lestrange, form: fic

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