Fic: Four Moments that Definied Bellatrix's Life: Gift for bellariddle

Dec 21, 2011 15:27

Title: Four moments that defined Bellatrix's life
Summary: The title!
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix, alludes to Rodolphus/Bellatrix, and Bellatrix/Voldemort. Cameos by Cygnus Black, Lord Voldemort, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr, Alice and Frank Longbottom
Genre: General/Violence alludes to romance
Rating/Warnings: PG-13? R?
Betas: snarkysweetness and an IJ friend!
Word Count: 2322

Moment One

Bellatrix was five years old when her life started along the path that would forever define her. In fact, it was only three weeks after her fifth birthday. Perhaps it was after the birth of Narcissa, who was now only six months old, that her father realised that he would never have an heir. Instead, he decided to name Bella as the Black family heir, no matter how much her mother protested the fact that Bella was a lady, and therefore should not be treated as such.

“Bellatrix.” Cygnus nodded to her as she pushed open the door to his office after she was summoned by Flopsy, her father’s personal house elf. “Do have a seat, I have a matter I wan to discuss with you of great importance,” Cygnus explained to her. While she might have only been five at that moment, Bellatrix was exceptionally clever and did all she could to please her parents.

“Of course, Father,” she replied, sliding into one of the massive black leather arm chairs that were opposite his desk. She loved them; they were incredibly comfortable and seemed to swallow her whole whenever she sat in them. She had to try incredibly hard to keep from swinging her legs as she did so, though.

“Good girl,” he said, flashing one of his rare half-smiles. He truly wasn’t one to express a lot of emotion so when he did, she absolutely loved it. “I would like to train you to be my heir, Bella,” he informed her. “Between you and and Andromeda, you have the most potential and I believe that if we capture it early enough, you shall go a long way.”

Bellatrix sat with rapt attention as her father spoke. She wasn’t sure what he meant by raising her to be the heir completely but she had an idea and if it was what she thought it was...she loved it. Even now she hated her mother’s lessons on being a proper lady. They were boring! She would much prefer to be outside playing with boys and the like; they had so much more freedom to do what they wanted, which wasn’t at all fair in her mind.

“I know your mother wants you to be a lady, but I also am aware of your disinterest in the matter. This is why I present you the issue now. I shall teach you what I would teach my heir - how to manage the family’s money, the Dark Arts, how to hunt and to ride: everything that I would teach a son if I had one.”

“Of course, Father,” she agreed with a nod. Inside she was jumping with joy. Well, she wasn’t looking forward to dealing with the family money - that was for the servants and goblins of Gringotts - but she was to the rest, especially the Dark Arts.

“Good girl. I won’t start on the actual Dark Arts until you are a lot older, but I can teach you the basic theories for the time being. While I might be doing this against your mother’s wishes, there are lines that even I will not cross. You are far too young and your magic is nowhere near advanced enough to learn.”

That disappointed her, but she nodded in agreement. “Of course, I won’t let you down, Father,” she told him truthfully.

“Good girl,” he told her with a smile. “Now run along and we’ll start your lessons tomorrow.”

Moment Two

Bellatrix snarled at the Mudblood in front of her. Didn’t they know better than to get in her way? She was already in a furious mood, didn’t want to deal with people being idiots, and this Mudblood... They were even worse than normal, and that was saying a lot, to her mind. Mudbloods were scum, dirt, the lowest of the low. They weren’t worth her time; she was Bellatrix Black, practically Pureblood royalty.

“Move it, you worthless Mudblood!” she shrieked, before pushing them hard and fast against the wall and storming past them without caring who else could see her. She had never kept it a secret, how much she hated Mudbloods.

“Black!” a voice called to her as she finally escaped the Mudbloods of the school and entered the Slytherin common room.

Turning, she saw Rodolphus beckoning to her. Oh, he was going to regret that; after all, he was the reason she was in such a bad mood. “What?” she snapped as she collapsed in the chair across from him with absolutely no dignity whatsoever.

“I hear you agreed to marry me,” he told her, smirking. “I knew you’d give in. No one can resist me.”

“Shut up. You know perfectly well I only agreed to marry you to get my parents off my back and then only because you come from a semi-decent Pureblood family. I hate you and always will. I don’t care that you profess to love me. You’re a bumbling idiot and I will never love you.” Rodolphus’s laugh at that just served to infuriate her even further. “I have plans and they don’t include you or children and nothing will change my mind,” she hissed before leaping up and storming out of the common room to find some Mudblood to torture.

Moment Three

Bellatrix was now twenty-six and had been married for two years. It was to her no different from unmarried. Sure, the two of them sometimes had sex when she wanted it, but she hadn’t been a virgin when she had married. All in all, it wasn’t that exciting. In fact, Rodolphus, despite his boasting all through school, was horrible in bed. She was barely ever satisfied with him; this had led her to take lovers on the side to try and add some excitement to her marriage. Even then, not all of them lasted long; she was quite particular about her lovers, after all. The ones that did last weren’t completely up to what she was looking for, but they were unfortunately the best that she had found, so she had to keep them or go without. Ultimately, she found that her father’s friends and acquaintances made the best lovers, simply due to their level of experience. It was just hard to get them.

She persevered, however.

Sometimes, though, just sometimes, it came out good for her. This latest one had told her about the Dark Lord and all that he stood for. Yes, she knew of him from her father and other people in Slytherin, but this man had told her how she had to go about joining, the Dark Mark, and, well, everything.

Which was why she was in an abandoned house that she normally wouldn’t have dreamed of stepping into. She had never been this excited. To be able to join the Dark Lord in his agenda against the Mudbloods, Muggles and Blood Traitors, and to reform the Wizarding World into what it should be, was the most exhilarating thing she had ever experienced in her lifetime.

“My Lord.” She bowed to him as deeply as she could after Yaxley had explained to her Lord why she was there.

If the smirk on her Lord’s face was anything to go by he liked subservience, and she was more than happy to provide it. “Tell me, why should I let you in?” he demanded of her.

“I want to rid the world of Mudbloods. They are the scum of the earth. Muggles and Blood Traitors too. They don’t deserve power; only we Purebloods do. It is our world and they don’t belong in it. I want to serve you in all ways possible, rid the world of them, and gain our rightful place as the leaders of the world,” she explained to him in a tone that showed how dedicated and earnest she was about it all. She could feel the power coming off him and she loved it. He was so powerful, it was intoxicating, and she found herself drawn to him in a way she had never been drawn to anyone else before. He was perfect. “Command me and I will do it. I am yours in all ways,” she informed him, not looking up from the ground as she did so, staying completely subservient to him.

If she had looked up, she would have seen the Dark Lord smirking and nodding as she spoke. Little did she know she was saying exactly the right thing. “Duel Yaxley,” he said instead of commenting. She knew, though, that this duel would be a test of her abilities. Yaxley had informed her that this was a boys’ club: girls weren’t readily accepted, though he had faith that she would fit right in.

Yaxley had a lot more experience at dueling than she did, and she had only just started to learn the Dark Arts from her father, but she knew she was more than adept at holding her own. It was just a matter of showing that to the Dark Lord. “And begin,” her Lord said, prompting her to shoot off a volley of curses at Yaxley.

Bellatrix was surprised at how long the duel lasted, truthfully. While she had thought she’d be able to hold her own, she surprised herself with exactly how well she did. In the end, however, the duel was won by Yaxley, a good hour after they started.

“Excellent,” the Dark Lord finally said. “You are worthy of becoming one of my followers, Bellatrix. I expect a lot from you. Do not disappoint me or I shall punish you without mercy.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, My Lord,” she replied reverently. She had done it; she had shown him that she was worthy of becoming a Death Eater.

“Your left arm,” he told her, holding out his wand as he did so.

Reaching out her left arm, she felt him push up her sleeve and press his wand against it. Then there was a burning pain shooting up her arm, worse than anything she had ever felt before. She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. She wouldn’t let him down - not now, not ever.

Moment Four

Bellatrix felt her heart break when she realised that her Lord was truly gone, all thanks to a Mudblood and her one year old son. He was the most powerful person in the world, their saviour! How dare they attempt to ruin him! The remaining Death Eaters had to do something, and they had to find out where he was.

She had to have him in her life again.

She, Rodolphus, Rabastan, and Barty had discussed and planned; Lucius had wanted nothing to do with it. He was a traitor in her eyes; he should be helping them discover their Lord, not sitting at home on his pompous blond ass.

In the end, they had decided that the Longbottoms would be their targets; not only were they powerful Aurors but their Lord had been focused on them along with the Potters. Surely that had meant something.

The four of them were determined to find their Lord no matter what.

They didn’t bother wearing their Death Eater masks when they Apparated to the Longbottom home. They were proud to be Death Eaters, to serve their Lord fully and completely, proud to be named and unmasked. They would find their lord and be rewarded, while the Longbottoms would be dead and silenced, incapable of naming their killers.

All in all, they were safe.

“Where is he!” Bellatrix screamed as they came barging into the house, wands drawn.

“Dead,” Frank said with a smirk, raising his wand to point at them. Alice snuck off undetected to alert the Auror Department. He knew that she would be back soon enough, though; she wouldn’t allow him to go head to head against them by himself. Frank was just glad that Neville was with his mother at the moment.

“He can’t die, traitor,” Rodolphus snapped before throwing off a blood-boiling curse at him.

“No, no, let me!” Bellatrix squealed, pushing her husband out of the way. “Crucio!” she screamed at Frank. “Now tell us where he is!”

“He’s dead,” Frank chocked out, his body shaking with pain. “There’s absolutely nothing you can do.”

“DON’T LIE TO US!” she screamed.

“STUPEFY! CRUCIO!” Barty suddenly yelled out as Alice entered the room. “Tell us or she dies!” he said with a laugh.

“I’m telling you, he’s dead!” Frank yelled, attempting to through a Stunner at Barty to stop him from torturing his wife. Unfortunately he was still shaking too much and completely missed.

Frank managed to climb to his knees and started to stand, shooting a Stunner at Bellatrix and then Barty. Both of them managed to sidestep. Falling again, Frank pulled himself over to Alice and tried to pull her away from Barty, causing the four Death Eaters to laugh at his pitiful attempts.

“Give in!” Bellatrix cackled, laughing shrilly.

“Stupefy!” Rabastan called out, suddenly Stunning Frank. “Now go wild. Obviously, they aren’t going to tell us anything.”

“CRUCIO!” Bellatrix screamed, training her wand on Frank along with Rodolphus while Rabastan and Barty took Alice. The thought of causing them all this pain made Bella go mad with the thought of it. She loved causing people pain and this much pain in particular was intoxicating, arousing.

The screams were perfect to Bellatrix’s ears.

Before they got too far, the Aurors arrived. Alice and Frank had stopped screaming and thrashing in pain, however.

“You are under arrest,” Moody informed them. Bellatrix just laughed.

“We will take whatever you give us! We shall serve our Lord fully, and if he wants us arrested, than we shall go!” Bellatrix laughed. With that, the four of them were arrested and sent to Azkaban, proclaiming that their Lord would save them.

Alexandra | Hufflepuff | 74 points

genre: angst, character: bartemius crouch jr., character: voldemort/tom riddle, character: frank longbottom, !special term event, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: alice longbottom, genre: gen, form: fic, creator: ablackmagician, rating: pg-13, rating: r, character: rodolphus lestrange

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