SOOOOO, in case you haven't seen it yet, here's the international teaser trailer for HBP. *bounces*
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Thanks to
masterofmystery for the youtubage.
As OOC as Harry may be there at the end, it's still freaking hilarious to see the teenage hormones displayed.
Comments 12
Also, anyone else notice that they've given the post-Quidditch match kiss to RON and LAVENDER of all people? URGH.
I'm still a little pissed that Harry's often OOC in this movie, but I can't really do much about that. So, what's the point in being pissed? *lol*
And yeah, Harry is really OOC. Man, where is Michael Goldenberg when you need him? *sigh*
*sighs with you* What are we gonna do with these people? *heh*
I'm just anxious to see him interact with Ginny like that.
This is why I adore fanfic.
and i feel that him referring to himself as the chosen one is purely sarcastic, which is what harry's humor is all about.
"But I am the Chosen One."
But I digress. Doods. I know. It only pissed me off for a second that he was OOC, then I cracked up.
"But I AM the Chosen One."
Oh please, who's that boy kidding. lol
Now go kiss Ginny, Harry.
If anyone thought there was anything other than platonic in that smack, I will in turn smack them!
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