Title: We More Than Gain In Fruits
Gift for:
pepperamPairing: Harry/Ginny + Teddy
Rating: G
Media: Digital: Corel Painter Essentials 4 w/ Bamboo tablet
Summary: "Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits." -- Samuel Butler.
It's been a few years since the final battle and Harry, Ginny, and Teddy are enjoying an autumn afternoon together outside of the Burrow in the peace of their post-Voldemort world.
Artist's Notes: Oh this one was a doozy. After signing up for the fest, my schedule for the month of October got a whole lot more complicated, and combined with my still-fledgling skills with my new tablet and the (evil) Corel Painter program that came with... I was several days late with this one. So thank you, dear mods, for your patience (and as always, for organizing this awesome fest to begin with!) I did very much enjoy drawing Teddy and the Burrow for this (especially the Burrow, that's a really fun thing to try and suss out, granted it took forever because I'd made about 30 versions of it by the time all was said and done). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!