FIC: Runs in the Family.

Apr 12, 2007 06:21

Hellooo! It's Ginny's player here, and I bring fic for your enjoyment. Of course, pre_raphaelite1 poked at me to post it here, and it was totally just supposed to be a short drabbly thing. But it kind of grew to be so much more than that - when I was supposed to be getting to bed, mind you. ;)


Title: Runs in the Family.
Author: Ellie M. [written_doodles]
Characters: Weasley Family, with cameos of Pokey and Snort (the stuffed unicorn and erumpent, respectively).
Rating: PG.

Summary: "Bill Weasley wanted adventure, a bit of glamour, a bit of danger. Receiving the letter which stated that there was an opening for him in Egypt - if he left right away - had made things absolutely perfect."

Author's Notes: Totally dedicated to the lovely Megan. Her Bill was firmly in mind when I wrote this, and as much HF!canon and book!canon as I could manage. Enjoy, my loves. ♥

Runs in the Family

He had barely been back a few weeks, and already, bags and trunks that were brought home from Hogwarts, unpacked, then packed again were piled by the front door. His mother had tutted under her breath (between tears), supposing that in all the rush, he would have forgotten something. It was a mother’s job to worry about such things, after all.

“Are you quite certain that you’ve packed enough underwear?” she’d ask, to which a brother would quip, “He doesn’t wear any!” Then Molly would give a strict telling off to whoever said such a thing, while The Eldest and Coolest looked on with a broad grin. Bill Weasley had graduated from the school as Head Boy, gotten a job with the bank, was leaving for work overseas. His parents couldn’t have been happier, and his younger siblings, of course, groaned and complained and shot him Looks because -

“Now Mum expects so much from us, Billy Goat,” grumbled Fred. Bill laughed, ruffled already tousled hair, commented with a wink that their dear Mum never specified what exactly she expected of them. Twin faces lit up with a familiar mischievous gleam and hurried away - later, George would explain to Bill that the explosions from their bedroom were part of their going away present.

* * *

Bill wanted adventure, a bit of glamour, a bit of danger. Receiving the letter which stated that there was an opening for him in Egypt - if he left right away - had made things absolutely perfect. So Mum was getting emotional, and Dad was stumbling around some speech about being a man and going out into the world...

Bill took it all in stride, as was his way, and he’d sling an arm around Charlie’s shoulders as they discussed Egypt and Care of Magical Creatures and maybe a bit of Quidditch if Charlie really was in that mood. Which, apparently, was every waking moment. Ron wanted to know how much treasure there was in Egypt, if there were jewels and crowns and mummies. He wondered if there was an Egyptain type of chess - Grandfather said so, didn't he? - and if he could please send along a set? Percy peppered him with questions on curse breaking, what he would learn abroad, if he could send along things to examine.

* * *

Papyrus scrolls of ancient spells, history, and curses that brought mummies to life, flesh-eating scarabs, poisonous gold. Trinkets and exotic women (and men). He’d tell this to Charlie as they sat in their half-empty bedroom, one side stripped of anything and everything Bill, and though the blank wall and bare bed were lonely, Charlie ignored it as best he could. The two eldest lay sprawled on the mattress, staring at the ceiling and laughing. “All these years putting up with us,” Charlie grinned, turning his head to look at Bill, “and you get to escape.” He turned his eyes back to the ceiling, adding a bit softer, careful not to sound too sad, “I’ll bet you’re glad to get away.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘escape,’” came the chuckled answer. Bill rolled onto his side, long red hair sweeping over his eyes as he grinned back. “I wouldn’t trade you lot for anything, never mind that you’re all mad.”

Charlie laughed, rolling to face his brother in like manner, pressing their foreheads against each other briefly. “Runs in the family, madness,” he replied. As if time hadn’t taken its effect on the two (aside from the fact that Bill was leaving), Bill smiled and kissed Charlie briefly on the lips, maybe for old time’s sake; the latter blinked, then laughed again. “Just like that,” he nodded.

* * *

The youngest of the Weasley clan sat quietly atop Bill’s worn trunk as the goodbyes were said. Vivid red hair twisted into twin braids, freckled arms clutching an old unicorn toy and freckled nose buried into the soft plush to hide trembling lips - Ginny was only seven, almost eight, and she was old enough not to act like such a little girl. But surely she was allowed to cry, surely her brothers wouldn’t make fun of it? She could hear her mother’s sobs; peeking out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Bill, despite being much taller and more strongly built than their mother, was struggling under the crushing embrace. Bright brown eyes widened and hid back behind Pokey the Unicorn when her eldest brother turned to face her. She knew that if she looked, she’d cry, and then they’d get nowhere. But then he hugged her, and she emerged from behind Pokey and buried her face in Bill’s shoulder instead. He was kneeling - even sitting on a trunk, Bill was so much bigger than Ginny - and stroking her hair.

She was only seven - almost eight, Bill reminded himself - and here he was, off to some great adventure while she grew up. She’d have five other brothers to keep her company, he reasoned with himself as his shoulder grew damp with toddler tears. Their mother had ushered the family out into the yard, taking Bill’s luggage with them, and he scooped his little sister up off his trunk as that was taken away too. And it was just them standing in the entry hall, arms wrapped around each other and Pokey squashed between them.

“Promise you’ll write,” came the hiccupped demand from somewhere in his shoulder.

Bill smiled, pressing a kiss to Ginny’s forehead as he pulled away to look at her. Bright blue eyes met bright brown, and she glared at him, taking his silence for a No. She repeated her words, more firmly, and he rested his hands on her tiny shoulders and nodded. “As much as I can,” he replied gently.

“Every day,” Ginny said, cheeks damp with tears and chewing on her lip as she awaited his answer again.

Bill laughed softly, swiping his thumbs across her cheeks, grinning at her; “Every day,” he repeated, promising.

Satisfied, his little sister hugged him tightly again; it seemed to her that if she held on long enough, tight enough, Apparating wouldn’t take her favourite brother away and neither could Floo. She remembered the stories about Harry Potter: magic couldn’t win over love.

* * *

But it wasn’t magic that took their brother away, but a train. Then maybe a bit of magic, but Ginny didn’t know that. Molly was waving a very damp handkerchief while Arthur hugged her around the shoulders, and the twins were setting off bright sparklers that spelled, “Bye, Billy Goat!” and Percy was calling out a farewell - in what he hoped was proper Egyptian or something - and Ron was waving fiercely, wondering if he could run alongside the train; Charlie was silent and sad but smiled a little as he picked up his sister in his arms. She held Pokey tightly, and had a plush erumpent squashed in her other arm - Snort, Bill’s stuffed animal. She swore to take care of him until Bill came back.

Charlie shifted his sister on his hip and grinned at Bill, who was hanging out of the window for a final goodbye. I love you’s were said, and then the train was moving, moving, picking up speed and Bill was still calling out and so were the Weasleys, and Ginny started to cry again and tried to wave with no hands -

“Get going, you git,” chuckled Charlie.

And then he was gone.


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