Class of '96 (spn/btvs)

Oct 30, 2010 17:56

Title: Class of 96   ch. 1 
author: Notubaby
words: 3370
Rating: T

Summary: Dean is forced to attend his ten year reunion with Buffy as his date and he is not happy.  As Buffy learns more about Dean, however, she begins to develop feelings for him.

Warnings: none eventual het sex.

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A/N: I was bored and uninspired so I went searching for challenges and found this one. Hope you like it. Challenge: Class of 1996. Dean takes Buffy to his 10 year Class Reunion. Okay now we know Dean didn't graduate and I'm pretty sure he'd be year 97 but who cares? When this challenge was issued in 2006, we didn't know any of that. Names and places are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or places is purely coincidence. No harm or liable is meant.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended
 Class of 1996


Dean quietly stewed as he drove down the maple lined street toward the River Heights Country Club. He didn't like this town when he lived here ten years ago and in his eyes, it hadn't improved any since. If it wasn't for this hunt, Dean wouldn't have returned to the town he felt had separated everyone by 'haves' and 'have nots'.
"All right. Let's go in, see if we can take a quick tour or something," Sam suggested as Dean parked the Impala in the country club's lot.

"Got a better idea, Sammy. How 'bout, you two go in and check it out, take a tour or whatever, I'll wait here," Dean said acknowledging the girl in the back seat for the first time before he leaned his seat back.

"Why don't we all go in?" asked Buffy trying not to sound annoyed from where she was being trapped in the back seat.

"Because you two can portray a couple looking to join or rent a hall. The three of us would just raise eyebrows." Dean kept his eyes closed and his arms folded across his chest.

Sam nodded, "Good point." He turned in his seat to look at Buffy. "Ready, 'honey'?" he teased.

Buffy giggled, "Sure, 'sweetie'."

Dean fought the urge to vomit. "Great, you two love birds have fun. I'll wait here." He leaned forward, turned up the radio, then relaxed back into his seat.

Dean watched as his brother and Buffy entered the country club. If he spent one more minute with little miss 'been-there-killed-that' slayer, he'd kill her - or himself. At first, he thought knowing her would be an asset. She was quick, strong, able to carry her own weight, but best of all, hot as hell. However, it turned out she was just a pain in the ass. Neither Dean nor Sam had gotten a proper kill since meeting her outside that vampire nest. Making matters worse, Sam had declared her off limits, something about not fishing off the company pier. A guy has needs and she wasn't letting any of them get satisfied.

Unfortunately for Dean, Sam agreed to work this job, but Dean couldn't wait to drop her ass in Cleveland as soon as he could.

As they entered the country club, Sam noticed a plethora of security cameras. Nudging Buffy, he whispered, "There's a lot of surveillance going on. Wonder what's got them so worried."

Buffy attempted to look around as subtly as Sam had, but felt awkward now that Sam had mentioned the cameras. "Sam, are you sure this is the right place? I mean it seems pretty high class."

Sam nodded. "Yep, according the map, this place is built on Native American burial ground. Don't think the rich white guys who built this place in the 1920's really gave a crap about some dead Indians."

"Well, I guess they never saw Pet Cemetery," Buffy retorted.

Sam snorted a quiet laugh. "No, I bet they didn't."

A woman suddenly appeared in a nearby doorway. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yes. I'm Fred this is my wife, Ginger. We new in town and were hoping someone could give us information about joining this beautiful club."

Buffy slipped her arm through Sam's. "Yes, and perhaps someone could also give us a tour of the grounds."

The woman stared at them a moment. Only political correctness would allow these two to join, she thought. "Of course," she replied barely able to hide her dislike of the couple. "Why don't you follow me to the membership office?" She turned and began to walk. Sam and Buffy had to rush to keep up. "I can't show you the entire place. We're hosting a party tomorrow, so some rooms are off limits."

Buffy squeezed Sam's arm. Tomorrow night was the night Sam had predicted would bring the reappearance of the spirit. "What kind of party is it?" Buffy asked. "A wedding? I bet a wedding would be beautiful here."

"It's a private party. I really can't discuss it," the woman barely turned her head to reply.

Having arrived at the membership office, the woman held the door open for them. "Please, take a seat. I'll be right back with the membership forms." She silently stepped into another room.

Sam took the opportunity to snoop around the lavishly decorated office. His eyes fell upon a flyer advertising the private party the club was hosting the next evening and his face brightened. He examined it closely and thought Christmas had come early. "Buffy, we can leave," he whispered as he slipped the folded flyer into his pocket. "I know how we're getting in tomorrow."

Buffy gave him a questioning look, but Sam only smiled as he held the office door open.

"That was quick," Dean muttered as they took their seats in the car. "Weren't you dressed well enough to even get a tour?"

"Didn't take the tour," Sam replied with a smirk beginning to form.

"Great. Did you find some other way on to the grounds?" Dean asked as he started the car. "I told you security here was a bitch."

Buffy nodded. "You're right. There were camera's everywhere. And there's a big private party tomorrow night."

"Great. Isn't tomorrow night the night you thought this would all go down? So, how are we getting in?" Dean caught a glimpse of Sam's Cheshire grin and changed topic. "I know that look, Sammy. What're you grinning about?"

Sam was in such a good mood, he let the 'Sammy' go unnoticed. He pulled the flyer from his pocket. "Dean, my dear brother, you were invited to the party." Sam dramatically unfolded the flyer. "Class of 96 Ten Year Reunion!" he read with enthusiasm, while Dean paled. "Here's the best part," Sam couldn't hide his glee. "Right here at the bottom, your name, Dean Winchester, is listed among the graduates they're hoping come back to town."

Dean's jaw was so tightly clenched, he couldn't speak. Sam pointed at the flyer and began to laugh as he read aloud in a near song, "Remember Laura Godfrey? Remember Donna Lazarski? How about Lucas Miller? Or Dean Winchester? Let's hope we can welcome these alumni back to Shadyside for our reunion." Sam laughed heartily for a minute, then he sighed happily and let the paper fall in his lap. "Dude, it's perfect."

"Let me see that," Buffy requested, holding her hand over the seat. After taking a second to look it over, she giggled. "I don't believe it."

"Believe it," Sam replied. "We lived here for a couple of months, ten years ago. Dean's senior year of high school."

Dean sighed and thought the reunion was a phenomenally bad idea.

"No, I meant, I can't believe he actually graduated," Buffy teased, playfully slapping Dean's arm.

Dean acted as if he hadn't heard Buffy's barb. "Sam, I hated most of those people ten years ago. Why would I want to see them now?"

Sam looked at his brother in mild shock. "Dean, that's so not true. You must be thinking of one of the ten million other schools you attended. I remember you kind of liking Shadyside."

Dean raised a brow at his brother. "And you must have me confused with the geeky Winchester that liked school, 'cause there's no way I liked it."

San tilted his head in acceptance. "Okay, you didn't like the school, but you liked Darren Czeplewski and I clearly remember you really liking Donna Czeplewski."

As the memory of Donna registered with Dean, a wide grin began to cover his face. "Donna?" Buffy asked from the back seat.

"I had nearly forgotten about Donna," Dean said fondly. "She was," he paused to think of the right phrase to describe the girl he use to fantasize about, "unbelievably hot. Her body put Pamela Anderson's to shame." He smirked at Sam. "And they were real," he added with a wag of his eye brows.

Buffy rolled her eyes and sighed quietly. "Well, then, would you be willing to go to the reunion to see your beloved Donna?"

Dean glanced at Buffy in the rearview mirror. "I would, princess, but sadly she was older than me, so she won't be attending."

"Dean," Sam groaned in frustration. "We need to get in there. So, unless you have a better idea, you're going to the reunion."

"Why can't we be caterers or pest control or something?" Dean suggested.

"Because that would take time and money and we already have a way in. You. Reunion. You're doing it." Sam crossed his arms and sat back in his seat.

Dean just shook his head. He wasn't giving up that easily. "Really? 'Cause it seems to me that just a couple of minutes ago this thing was so dangerous we needed the Slayer as back up. Now, I'm supposed to waste it by myself." He paused, thinking that wouldn't be such a bad idea. "Not that I can't, just make up your mind, bro."

Before Sam could voice a reply, Buffy spoke up. "You would have back up. You can't go to your reunion by yourself, silly. If you did, you'd look like a total loser. So," she leaned forward resting her arms on the top of the front seat. "you could take Sam as your gay lover." Dean hit the brakes roughly, violently sending her back into her seat. Sam glared at his brother, but Buffy got the point. "Ouch, just kidding." Buffy leaned forward again, "I meant," she said, "I could go as your date. Then, you'd have the back up you need." Before Dean could reply, she added cheerfully, "Ooh, look, open bar!" Buffy hoped at least mention free drinks would interest Dean.

Sam decided it would be best if he kept quiet as he watched his brother fume.

Only Dean's love for his Impala prevented him from sending it through the wall of the hotel as he parked. "Wait," Buffy called before Dean had even climbed out, "if I'm going to this reunion, I'm gonna need a dress, some shoes."

Dean's only response was to toss the keys to Sam. Buffy wrinkled her face in confusion as she watched Dean storm to his motel room. "He sure is pissy about going to this party."

Sam didn't even know where to begin. "Yeah, well, um, why don't you just crawl up here and we'll hit the mall."

Buffy smiled brightly as she climbed over the seatback. "Yea, shopping!"

Dean seethed in the room for a few minutes. Who did that bitch think she was? The "back up he needed"? The "date" he needed because he was such a "loser" he didn't even graduate. The more he thought about her, the angrier he became. He opened then slammed shut the refrigerator, deciding to hit a bar instead.

He flung open the motel room door, letting it bang into the drywall. He cursed when he remembered that he didn't have the car. He debated going back into the room, but decided he would be better off walking to a bar. He could get drunk and maybe even get laid.

"Seriously, Sam, why is Dean so angry?" Buffy watched Sam squirm as he tried to avoid her question. "It's a party, open bar, you said he liked some of the kids he went to school with; there's even something nasty to kill. What's not to like?" Buffy saw Sam shift in his seat. "I mean besides me."

Sam flinched. "It's not you." However, the look he was getting from Buffy showed him she wasn't buying that. He sighed. "It's just that Dean didn't graduate."

Buffy's eyes widened as she remembered her taunt, then she squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment. "No wonder he's so mad. He probably thinks I'm a total bitch for what I said."

"No, Buffy, it had nothing to do with you, seriously. I kinda forgot the whole thing until he threw the keys at me." Sam parked the Impala. He turned in his seat to face Buffy before he began. "Dad, Dean and I lived here for a couple months. Dad had a case here in town that took him a while to piece together. Then, once he finished the job, he wanted us out of town like that day. I mean, Dean and I had to pack and leave without saying goodbye to anyone." They had reached the doors to the mall. "It was one week before graduation."

"Why didn't Dean say something? I'm sure your dad would have stayed for Dean's graduation."

"You didn't know our dad. He didn't even know Dean was graduating, let alone that it was that week." Sam saw Buffy's look of disbelief. "It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Dad thought it was dangerous for us to be here because the case had something to do with some powerful people in town." Sam shook his head at the memory. "I know Dean was disappointed because he had been talking about a party he was going to, but," Sam shrugged, "Dean always did what Dad ordered."

Buffy nodded in understanding, but she felt horrible for how she teased Dean earlier.

Buffy looked in a few shops before deciding on a dress. She tried it on and met Sam outside the fitting room. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think I'm going to need a cold shower," Sam replied honestly as he looked at the slayer in the barely there dress.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Sam, be serious." She looked at herself in the mirror not quite convinced about the dress. Sam ran a hand through his hair thinking he had been serious. When Buffy added, "Obviously, I've still got to be able to hide weapons," Sam's brows shot to his hairline. Where did she think she was going to put weapons?

When they returned to the motel, Sam grabbed Buffy's shopping bags and carried them to her room. As Buffy unlocked her door, she turned to him quickly. "You wanna get something to eat?"

Sam's face lit up at the invitation. "Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute to tell Dean we're back."

Buffy smiled. "Meet you in five, then."

Sam wasn't surprised that his brother wasn't in their room. He was surprised that there wasn't a note left behind or a message on his phone. Given that there was no sign of a struggle, the empty room could only mean one thing. Dean was really pissed at him.

Sam looked around the parking lot and found two bars within walking distance. Figuring Dean was in one of them, he hoped Buffy would want to go someplace else.

There was one thing Dean Winchester could always count on; his ability to bullshit girls to get what he wanted. At the moment, he had a cute little blonde nearly ready to go when he remembered he couldn't take her back to the motel. He couldn't even take her to the back seat of the Impala. She had told him she didn't drive so her car/her place was out. He needed to slow things down a bit and give Sam a chance to get back. Then he could take her anywhere and anyway he wanted.

Dean had excused himself from the nearly drunk blonde to call Sam, when Sam and Buffy entered the bar. He felt a slight pang of jealousy, that he'd die denying, when he saw them laughing together. The anger that he had forgotten, returned and suddenly he wanted to leave. He shoved his phone in his pocket and turned to the blonde. "Hey sweetheart, I'll be right back. My brother just walked in. I gotta talk to him." He didn't bother to wait for her reply.

Sam and Buffy stood at the bar ordering drinks when Dean approached them. "So, girls, have fun shopping?"

Buffy smiled a genuine warm smile that really irritated Dean. Especially the way it nearly forced him to smile in return. "Dean! Hey, didn't expect to see you here. Wanna join us?"

Why was she being nice all of a sudden? Dean ignored her questions. "No. Just want to talk to Sam for a second. Sam?" Buffy's smile faded and she turned to the bar.

Sam followed Dean to a spot a little bit away from Buffy. Sam glared at Dean. "Do you always have to be a jerk to her?"

Dean glared at his brother. "Just wondering why it's okay for you to fish off the company pier, or whatever, but I'm not allowed to." Sam huffed about to contradict Dean when Dean continued, "Hey, no big deal, but if you wanted her for yourself, you should've just said something. I don't make dumbass rules like you."

"Dean," Sam whined.

"Here." Buffy's appearance next to them prevented Sam from saying anything more. "Dean, I got you the same as Sam. I hope that's okay."

Dean took a deep breath. "Yeah, uh, thanks." He nodded at her with a tight smile.

Buffy looked at the brothers and sighed as she realized she had interrupted something. "I'll just go back over there." She spun and took a step, but Dean grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"No need to run off." Dean let go of her arm and took a sip of his beer. "Sammy, you got the keys?"

"To the room?"

"No, I've got a room key, moron. Do you have my car keys?"

"Sure, but I left them in the room."

Irritated, Dean rolled his eyes and huffed.

Sam shrugged, grinning. "What? We walked."

Dean's head tilted back in exasperation. He looked over at his nearly-perfect-amount-drunk blonde and watched her do another shot with her friends. He sighed; hoping she wouldn't be too drunk, now. Shit. He looked at Buffy and Sam, took a swallow of beer, and felt like a third wheel. He was about to tell them he was leaving when Buffy spoke up.

"So, did you eat, yet, Dean? You can join us, if you want."

Dean took a second to deliberate. He was going to leave, but why should he let Sammy have all the fun? If his baby brother was going to change the rules mid-game, Dean was more than willing to break them. He tossed Buffy one of his most charming smiles. "Yeah, Buffy, I'd love to join you."

Sam groaned internally as he knew Dean would make this night extremely uncomfortable.

Dean's Year Book Page by AwesomeGeek

What happens next -chapter 2
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supernatural, fan fiction, dean, btvs, buffy

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