Title: The Guardian's Secret 8/?
Author: Hezikiah
Disclaimer: Not mine, the BBC's.
Rating: PG
Characters: Ella (OC), Donna, Eighth Doctor, Healer Koray (OC), Healer Akakios (OC)
Warnings: None
Summary: Sequel to "
Witnessing the Protector," five years on. When the metacrisis begins to unravel on its own, a desperate Ella finds the Doctor...and winds
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Comments 5
Now, how is Donna's conversion going? I wonder how she's going to feel about this when she comes to... probably the Doctor has a slap coming. Maybe a hug eventually, but definitely a slap, even this version!
Congrats on making the time to post. I know you must be swamped. I definitely know the feeling, even though I feel like I haven't been as productive as I could've been.
I am swamped. I don't even want to go there right now. I'm emotionally all over the place with the show, buying the house, and just blah. Stressed. Out. Maybe some of that came out in Ella, lols.
I can't wait to see this additional education Ella's to do (learning Gallifreyan? Good luck with that o.o) and of course for Donna's reaction! <3
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