Is There Any Chances for Us? Chapter Seven

May 25, 2012 12:30

Title: Is There Any Chances for Us?
Pairing: YamaChii, NakaChii
Genre:  Friendship, Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: Chinen is a girl here, I’m sorry but I really needed the ‘she’ for now for the plot. So, if you don’t like, you don’t need to read this. Thank You!
Note: An italic word means yuri’s thoughts.

Seventh Chapter )

yuto nakajima, pairing: nakachii, pairing: yamachii, fanfics, chinen yuri, type: chaptered, yamada ryosuke

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Comments 23

thedorabangs May 25 2012, 05:34:00 UTC
finally! an updateeeeeeeeeeee /claps claps
uwahhhh what the, yama-chan?!?!?!!
it's like two-timing!! D:
i wonder what will happen next, please update soon!


heysaymiyukie May 25 2012, 05:37:28 UTC
your first! finally ne?
yes, it's like he's a two timer, he looks playboy! /whacks/ hahahaha! :)


thedorabangs May 25 2012, 05:44:22 UTC
yes, especially with his new look /thepiercingandnewhaircolor! :P
when will you update? pleash say tomorrow X3 lol


heysaymiyukie May 25 2012, 05:50:56 UTC
did you saw his pics, when he was laying on the tub? goossssh! i don't felt like it's the old yama-chan anymore, he surely change a lot ne?
i actually don't know, when will i post the next chapter, hehehe, since i'm planning to change the plot of the remaining chapters. :)


hwangtinglee May 25 2012, 06:41:29 UTC
Yuki-chan *glare at you*
Why doesn't our baka buta know yet *glare at you more*
Ryosuke obviously loves his Chii so much still *glare intently*
They suppose to be together *death glare*
But since it's a really sweet chappie I'll stop the glares and spare you hahaha

Ehhhhh angst are coming
Erghhhhhh fine
Three chappies I think I can handle it
If not well
I love you in advance
Remember that hahaha


heysaymiyukie May 25 2012, 06:56:16 UTC
/sighed in relief/ i thought i'm dead today. Glad you already stop your glare nee-chan, coz no one can beat you in glaring :))))

I don't know, should i post the angst one?
Three chappies for He's My Tutor fic
I love you too nee-chan! and hai!, i won't forget that you love me. :)))


hwangtinglee May 25 2012, 07:28:10 UTC
You lucked out ne Yuki-chan
Hey at least my glaring is nicer than YamaChii's glaring deshou XDD

Ehh you mean three chappies left for He's My Tutor
I thought you mean this fic
And this fic will be angst
Well you know the consequence of separating and hurting YamaChii ne
So be warned >w<


heysaymiyukie May 25 2012, 08:23:23 UTC
LUCKY! :)))

Yup, that's what i mean.
this is angst nee-chan
i know, that's why i'm planning to change the plot coz i know you don't like it, anyways. i love separating yamachii /get whack/

just kidding~ i love you


hikarichan92 May 25 2012, 13:26:18 UTC
Mouu ~ the truth is still yet to be revealed!
I'm curious to know how Ryosuke's reaction later if he know that Yuri is pregnant. I'll wait until Yuri reveals her pregnancy. Ehh,why do I seems like craving so much for that part ;D
Haha ~
Nice chapter as always! ^^


heysaymiyukie June 1 2012, 08:30:32 UTC
Hikari nee! Thanks for reading, i hope you like this chappie, gomen also for the late reply, i just saw this.


khaulabear September 17 2012, 16:16:46 UTC
This is getting complicated
Please update soon
Hoho..bossy chii

Nice chapter btw


yue_naka February 12 2013, 11:28:21 UTC
Next chappie plz! ><
I love this ff <3


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